View Full Version : Burrning sensation in hands and feet

03-20-2012, 12:47 PM
Does anyone experience a burning sensation in hands and feet? It started at the end of last year and it comes more frequently now. I've had the MRI, there was nothing there, so all the things that I read on the internet to daignose me, that lead me to MS or cancer, were wrong! I have noticed that I get it worse at night and I need to find a cold spot to rest my limbs or take them out of the covers. When I get nervous is starts up OR just when I think about it. To be honest, when it first started happening it was after a girl came into our work talking about a problem that she was having saying that she might have MS or leukemia because her gums would bleed and she had hot spots sooooo, if you have anxiety, you now have that too! A couple days later it was happening to me. Also that it might me perimenopausal...I'm on gonna be 39 in April.

03-20-2012, 01:58 PM
Are you on or coming off any medications. I have this all over my body and it all stated when I came off benzos 22 years ago. Now anytime I get stressed it happens again and it is damn painful