View Full Version : What's helped me!

03-20-2012, 10:19 AM
So I have had GAD for about 6 years now. On average, I don't have anxiety attacks as much as I used to...thankfully. The time I might have a flare up, is if I am having a very busy, hectic schedule, or stress in my personal life (finding out, my husband might have had a cancerous tumor, which ended up being a benign growth)

I have learned to put myself first. I am normally a people pleaser, but have learned over the past couple years, that besides myself, husband and daughter, that I am not able to stretch myself very thin, when it comes to getting into other family members "drama" or helping with their so called "emergencies"

That might seem mean, but it's a coping mechanism, that I have learned to incorporate in my life! I normally would drop everything, and jump to help others with their NON-emergencies...I just can't do that anymore. I also find, keeping myself busy, doing activities, like knitting, embroidery...even things as simple as coloring in a color book, or reading a magazine. I have also fallen in love with Pinterest!!!!

Also, I have been told by my Doctor, and learned from experience, NOT to Google my common anxiety symptoms, if I am having any. That doesn't get you anywhere, and just makes your physical symptoms worse. Over the years I have convinced myself I've had heart attacks, mini strokes, brain tumors, kidney failure, and all types of cancer...(just to name a few) Of course all kinds of medical tests, have ruled those out, over the past 6 years!

Just knowing there are so many others out their dealing with anxiety, is helpful...knowing you aren't alone :) I am very lucky, and have a super supportive husband, and great group of close family and friends. (many of who deal with anxiety themselves) We will often get on the phone and compare our physical symptoms, and what we think we have diagnosed ourselves with.....I guess having a sense of humor about it, is better than dwelling on the negatives about GAD.

I wish you all the best!

03-20-2012, 10:47 AM
Thanks for your post, it made me feel good

03-20-2012, 11:51 AM
I'm with you on this one :)