View Full Version : Somaticizing Anxiety

03-20-2012, 09:36 AM
I am doing some research on turning anxiety and stress into physical symptoms. In all my reading and therapists I know and those I have spoken with this is an area few are educated in....and because of this both therapists and doctors may not provide correct treatments.

There is condition called Somatoform Disorder that us caused by mental/emotional problems being expressed in the body and can look like dozens of medical conditions but tests do not show them to be present......but the pain and suffering is.

Do any of you feel like the physical pains and symptoms are as bad or worse than the fear and panic. I would like to hear your situation

03-20-2012, 09:48 AM
Oh yeah definitely, whenever I walk into a classroom and sit down it's considered game over for me my anxiety hits and then I start shaking like a leaf, sometimes I have random muscle contractions also so my leg might kick. I wish I knew a way to stop the physical symptoms if I did I wouldn't feel so awkward anymore thinking the person behind me see's me shaking. It's a sad cycle really, i figure the person behind me see's me then my paranoia sets in then my physical symptoms become worse

03-20-2012, 01:59 PM
From my anxiety friends this seems to get worse as we get older