View Full Version : continuation of yesterday's post

03-20-2012, 04:43 AM
This is a post I put on this site yesterday, and what follows is a continuation.

"this isn't really something I want to talk about, but it's causing me anxiety. Understand that this is unpleasant and such, so you have been fairly warned. Alright, I might as well bite the bullet and say it. Okay, so, about two, maybe two and a half years ago, I took a cr*p outside in the garden even though I didn't have to. I have no idea why, but thinking about it makes me feel ashamed of myself. I mean, why the hell would I do something like that despite not even having to. WTF was I thinking. This is embarrasing for me and causing me a great deal of anxiety, so does anyone have any idea of how I can get over this."

So, that was yesterday's post. Today, I've calmed down considerably. What I'd like to know is if this is a legit reason to feel anxious. Should I really be feeling so ashamed about it. It wasn't exactly my best thought up decision, it was really more my inner ape. You know, the ape of pure instinct that exists within us all. Does anyone have any advice regarding this situation. What should I do about it.

03-20-2012, 05:38 AM
What should you do about it?? Simply, let it go.

The thing that you did and regret is done, there is not one person on this forum who has never done at least one thing they wish they could take back, I have several. Doing regrettable things is part of being a person, we all do it. The thing is that it's over, there is nothing you can do to change anything that happened.

What you need to dobis just let it go, laugh about it, cry about it, whatever you need to do to move past it. There is no reason for a past mistake to control your today

03-20-2012, 10:45 AM
Sometimes it's not easy to just let it go tho.....I'm glad your doing better today. I read your posts yesterday. The truth I am realizing since reading it is that everyone must have some silly, stupid, crazy or whatever thing it is that bothers them
Or they regret......I have a "thing" too, & the really stupid thing about it is I was like 10 or something.......
Anyways I'm trying to say that I understand, because when I have anxiety bad, really really stupid things bother me to the point of not getting off the couch. Everyone has something I guess, it's just hard to see because ppl don't go around sharing.

I used to & still do write things down. In the anxiety state I'm always analyzing & reamalyzing past things that bother me. Somehow notes help, so maybe the idea of the letter to your mom will help.

I have had anxiety since I was about 14ish (I'm 30 now). But even before then I would feel like I had to confess everything to my mom. I would feel so guilty it was debilitating......but most things were really silly & not even bad things to feel guilty about. I now feel like I have to confess things to my husband. Sounds like I have crimes to confess but really they are dumb things, he has just laughed at me.

If telling your mom will help, try the letter first & see how you feel. From what you said she would be forgiving, plus you were not feeling well at the time.
Good luck :)

03-20-2012, 10:45 AM
Sorry that was so long! I hope it helps somewhat

03-20-2012, 01:17 PM
i would try and accept that this is just anxiety making you feel this way about past events.

writing these things down also does help. the best thing to do with this though, is to do as chillpill said and just let it go.
it's in the past! let it stay there :)

i've been researching alot lately over all sorts of things - and what you and mommy(especially mommy), are talking about sounds a bit like ocd

03-20-2012, 03:28 PM
anxious- I always wondered if I had some form of OCD! .....