View Full Version : Pregnant with anxiety

03-19-2012, 08:10 PM
Hi! I'm 31 wks pregnant with 2nd child & suffering from night time anxiety. I fall asleep then wake up anxious & feel scared I'm all alone & how long the night is. Now in the early eve i start feeling anxious about going to bed!
I've been to doc but in the uk they rarely give meds to pg ladies & tbh, I don't want them. I've started cognitive therapy & practise all the relaxing techniques going. Sometimes they work, sometimes not. I know the key is to accept less sleep as pg & let go of trying to control it all. I will sleep when I sleep but god, the anxiety can be so consuming!
Anyone else pg & suffering & if so, how do you cope? :)

03-19-2012, 09:26 PM
I'm not pg, but I don't sleep well at all. I think that happens to most of us. Wish I could help ya! Keep up with the cognative therapy and relaxation. They take a while to become a habit, and that's exactly what you need them to be! Let us know how you're doing!

03-19-2012, 09:48 PM
Having really bad night :( Went to sleep 10ish but woke up 11.30 feeling anxious as hell. Ended up putting tv on & drifting off but kept waking scared. My daughter then was sick through coughing & we both ended up downstairs on the sofa. Me too anxious to sleep, her scared she will cough & be sick again! It's now 3.45 & we are both so tired. I still feel so anxious, its horrid. :( I will go mad if I have to go through this every night.

03-19-2012, 10:45 PM
What has your doctor recommended other than the therapy and relaxation? Sounds like you had a crap night. Sorry to hear that. Maybe once you get your daughter to sleep you will be able to sleep yourself. do you have any family that could take her for a night or two so you can get some rest?

03-21-2012, 03:42 AM
After that night I spoke to my doc who referred me to the perinatal team (uk). They suggested really low dose of anti depressants, which I started yesterday. I felt so tired yesterday but got a mattress down in the lounge & napped on & off. In my actual bed by 1am & slept ok. Had mini anxiety struggle when husband came to bed but dealt with it.
My husband has taken time off work to be with me, which helps. Today I'm still tired but not so bad, slightly spaced out & feeling sick again through baby pushing on my belly & acid indigestion.
I'm trying to relax & get on but finding it hard today :(

03-22-2012, 09:08 AM
How are you doing gemgem? I am also prego (10 weeks) with my 3rd. I have been struggling with anxiety since I was little.

03-22-2012, 09:08 AM
If you want to chat, feel free to msg me