View Full Version : i need help

bryan kellogg
03-19-2012, 06:36 PM
Having a bad day I don't know what I know it's anxiety I just feel like I'm bout to lose it sometimes the meds they got me on I feel lit a little shaky in a burning tingling sensation of my arms and shoulders I feel kinda spacey I don't want to be relying on medications my whole life today it's been rainy and cloudy do you think that's a reason why i have been filling worse today some days I feel really good happy I just want to be my old self again and I feel really tired for the last two days i have feeling shaky and a little unsteady and I been feeling kinda sad like and it feels like nothing is working out what I want it to I still have not found a job

03-19-2012, 09:19 PM
Hi BK! I'm sorry you are having a bad day. I've had a bad one too, today. How long have you been on medication?

bryan kellogg
03-19-2012, 10:30 PM
adout 4 weeks now I am on buspar I was doing good

03-19-2012, 10:42 PM
You need to give your meds a bit more time. I don't know about buspar specifically, but I know other AD's take 6-8 weeks to hit full concentration. I'm just starting meds again. I was doing great for 2 days and then today was a bad one. I guess we have to look at it like sometimes there will just be a bad day, followed by good ones!