View Full Version : heavy, weak, sore, arms..

03-19-2012, 01:56 PM
hello everyone.
jenmac i have never ever used anything like this before so...here it goes...had an attack last august and it did a mess to my body and mind. i've been in and out of doctor office visits and unwanted, useless tests done. god bless my doctor :) the only thing that i have left going on is my arms? they feel heavy and tired all the time. they are also sore and weak...does anyone else have this?
Mar 19 2:55 PM

03-19-2012, 02:50 PM
hiya - it's common symptoms of anxiety, yes...so don't worry about it!
i have it all of the time - when i go up the stairs, and my anxiety is bad - i have to sit down as my legs are sooooooooooo heavy and achy.
also, i find when i hang the washing out - when it is over my shoulder, my arm feels like it is dying!! it gets so heavy i feel like i'm ready to collapse lol.
i think it is all down to the fatigue symptom that comes with anxiety.

my new one is the left side of my lips are numb lol. i know it's anxiety (i hope)

03-20-2012, 08:44 AM
Thank you very much for letting me know how it has bothered you also. Washing my hair has become a struggle, cutting a steak (my hands hurt), making the bed with the shaking the blanket above my head, sweeping and other things. I can tell when it's gonna be bad I get the shakes prior and then the next thing I know my muscles are sore. I have no idea what is causing it so I can't stop it...I try taking deap breaths and that does take the shakes away. If I could only get the peeing to relax :)

03-20-2012, 10:09 AM
ahh forgot all about the hands aching aswel - well i didn't forget ...but i've put that down to my self diagnosis of athritis haha
never thought for one second that my hands aching like mad whilst peeling potatoes would be down to anxiety.
i can't shake the blanket above my head either. i feel as though im ready to collapse everytime but i always put that down to my height and weight!

03-20-2012, 10:24 AM
I've had the same symptoms with my anxiety before. Once, I woke up in the middle of the night, and it felt like I couldn't move my arms, and they were both numb....(this was before I was professionally diagnosed with GAD) Of course, I went to the ER, thinking I was having a stroke or something, I wasn't. Soon after I was diagnosed with Anxiety, and in a way it was a relief to finally have an answer to all my physical symptoms I had been having! Best of luck to you!