View Full Version : dizzyness and head fog etc..

03-19-2012, 01:17 PM
Hi guys I'm new.. Well I'm 26 male and I been dealing with some problems lately.. On Jan 6 2012 I woke up with this bad vertigo! which at that moment scared the crap out of me and with me already suffering from anxiety I think it triggered a panic attack... so I went to the ER and the Doc did some Neorological test and blood work and I told him that the spinning sensation was more when I lay down Everything came out fine and he Said I had BPPV. Send me home with 25mg of Meclizine.. well I'm not gonna lie, the BPPV is much better but I tend to think that I have a worse condition like tumor etc. I also tend to google everything and freak out when I read a lot of stuff.. I also freak out of all the symptoms I going through. I always think about me having something really bad 24/7.. I hate living like this . I just want to know if that head fog feeling and spinning sensation when I go to bed is caused by my anxiety??? I tend to not do anything that I use to enjoy doing.. I just stay in bed most of the time because I'm scared that I will feels the same..

03-19-2012, 01:43 PM

if tests were done to rule out other causes, then i would go with anxiety.
anxiety is what makes you think a simple little headache, or dizziness is infact a brain tumor!
the amount of times i've had a headache and thought of a brain tumor is unreal!
i also google my symptoms, over and over again! it's no good when dealing with anxiety - you are just feeding the anxiety, and making yourself worse.
everybody on here will tell you to stay clear of symptom searching! i need to stop, but i find it too hard!
look up anxiety symptoms...it might make you feel a bit better :)

anxiety is also what stops you doing things - you pick up avoidant behaviour because the anxiety/panic attack you experienced scared the shit out of you and you do anything to avoid that feeling.
i have developed agoraphobia and social phobia because of my anxiety!
you need to just fight against it! do not let it stop you doing anything. no matter how hard you find it - just do it :)

what is BPPV?

03-19-2012, 02:05 PM
Thanks anxiousmess.. I Try to but I tend to always get defeated by it.. :/

Benign positional vertigo (BPPV) is a condition in which a person develops a sudden sensation of spinning, usually when moving the head. It is the most common cause of vertigo..

03-19-2012, 02:15 PM
ahh so your BPPV is sending your anxiety through the roof each time it happens.
when you feel your BPPV playing up(or however it works?), don't think twice about it. just accept that this is what BPPV does and it will stop in a second or two.

if you focus on it, by thinking it's something other than BPPV, then your anxiety will kick off. then you will create panic, which will probably worsen every previous symptom you are dealing with and so the vicious circle begins.
it's alot easier said than done, i know! i send myself round the twist on a daily basis. anxiety sucks me in every single time - even when i think i'm aware that it is happening and that i can control it. before i know it, i'm there again - an anxious mess lol.

when you feel the head spin - start breathing exercises, or distract yourself instantly. if the head spin is the trigger - then you need to act when this happens.
i feel like i'm waffling on now so i'll shut up lol

03-19-2012, 02:29 PM
Thanks anxiousmess.. U really are comforting words ... :) just sucks that I'm going through this mess!!! :/

03-19-2012, 02:30 PM
Last night while I was showering. I just snapped and started crying like crazy!!! Just want all this to go away!!! :(

03-19-2012, 02:35 PM
you are more than welcome :)
it does suck! but, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!

you are doing your head in with it all - constantly thinking about what is happening. that is why you ended up crying - it is just anxiety!
you are fine! anxiety is just a pain in the arse!

dont let the anxiety control you - you make sure that you control the anxiety!

03-19-2012, 02:41 PM
dude i feel great now that i got my results..... im alll good mri PASS :)

03-19-2012, 02:45 PM
so pleased for you! :D have a good drink and enjoy yourself! :D

03-20-2012, 03:50 AM
Thanks anxiousmess.. I Try to but I tend to always get defeated by it.. :/

Benign positional vertigo (BPPV) is a condition in which a person develops a sudden sensation of spinning, usually when moving the head. It is the most common cause of vertigo..

Did your doctor do any maneuvers on you to get those little crystals back in to place in your ears. I too suffer from a vestibular issue that makes me dizzy when I move my head. It's horrid!!!! Mines been 6 months. But I have had bppv pretty badly and if you do the excercises it goes away pretty quick! Best of luck

03-20-2012, 10:24 PM
Kmarie I'm not gonna lie, I just did the maneuvers like 5times since they diagnosed me. (jan 14,2012) but my doc did tell me to do them.. Do u do them on a daily basis???