View Full Version : Anxiety, Stress & Now Pain? - Any help appreciated

03-19-2012, 07:35 AM
Hey all, I posted here before and found the advice great, wonder if someone could help again.

For the last 3 years I have had anxiety issues when I lost my job, have been on Citalopram and others over that time, sometimes up to 40mg. Since taking them I have found that it makes me lethargic, and not with it. I used to think of myself as quite an intelligent person but the tablets seemed to make me slow and non responsive to things, and even when talking I would forget the most simple of words.

Anyways, I have 2 children, left my last job due to being bullied about 8 months ago, and have run out of money. I am confident in saying stress is rather high at the moment.

The current problem is more worrying in my eyes, about 2 months ago I noticed chest pains, coming on every couple of hours, like a short stabbing pain. After visiting my doctor, they have carried out two ECG's and found nothing, and I have stopped taking Citalopram now, been off them for about 3 weeks, however now the pain is getting worse, and spreading to around my stomach, upper chest area can feel very tight or have stabbing pains, pains are spreading around the body, especially when I am confronted with a stressful situation.

The only way I can be painless is by sleeping or sitting and relaxing with nothing going on around me, with 2 young children it is worrying me because I do not think it is a cardiac issue, but something else. I am happy to go back to the doctors but they will just say it is stress, which doesn't help.

Any advice! ?

03-19-2012, 09:21 AM
You may well be in drug withdrawal from the AD which can take months to much longer - took me 18 months after taking an AD for 4 weeks

03-19-2012, 09:36 AM
18 months! Oh my goodness! I thought I was bad going off one that took 6 weeks!

03-19-2012, 10:00 AM
Benzos took me 28 months to recover - you had a gift to only be 6 weeks - kiss the ground !!

03-19-2012, 10:03 AM
Ah. Benzos. Those lovely little pills lol. Yeah those can take a long time. However, anti-depressants shouldn't take that long. Benzos are anti-anxiety and from a different family. That's why I only take the Ativan only as needed. I'm too scared to become addicted.