View Full Version : Wits end.

03-19-2012, 06:11 AM
Hi everybody.

I haven't used this forum before but I'm hoping it could help me a little.

I've suffered from anxiety and panic for a while now, but in the past few months it has escalated and for no apparent reason.

My partner is an amazing support, but I'm still finding my fight with the anxiety very hard.

Part of my job is to sign documents as a witness. I am finding I can't even do that anymore without experiencing a panic attack. My symptoms are becoming more severe - shakes, hot flushes, vertigo and nausea, even dizzy spells, and slowly becoming constant. I have a referral to see a psychologist in the next few weeks but I'm scared that won't help and I'll be stuck like this forever. I've tried medication, I've tried changing the way I think. Nothing helps.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you.

03-19-2012, 06:19 AM
hello Aeh its normal you fell that way, most of the times there´s no apparent reason to axiety.
Do you taking medication in the past months?

03-19-2012, 06:21 AM
It's just extremely frustrating. I have a good life now, and goals I want to achieve but it is holding me back.

I was diagnosed lexapro(?) for depression also but had an allergic reaction after taking one, so now I don't want to touch medication.

03-19-2012, 06:29 AM
AEH medication is very important but not the key, lexapro is a antidepressant and its important to talk to your doctor about the allergic reaction.
Today im not feeling 100% and i must say its holding me back too :(

03-19-2012, 06:39 AM
That's true. I'm anxious about everything - after the medication the thought of taking more, even panadol, makes me anxious. It's a vicious circle.

I hope that your day gets a little better!

03-19-2012, 07:18 AM
Yeah AEH i know where ure coming from, i have the support from my husband aswell i have had anxiety n panic attacks and clostrophobia dont if i spelt it right, since i was 19 im now 34 i cant go to supermarkets or the movies or just for a walk or sitting watching tv, unless i have an attack , i have tryed zanax, aropax20 i wish to try something natural this time, any ideas?? hate being dopped up on pills , tablets are only a bandaid , seeing someone will get to the root of the problem aeh u will get back on track but may just take some time