View Full Version : New here

03-18-2012, 05:10 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm new on here and just looking for some more support from people that can relate to what I go through
I've been suffering from generalized anxiety disorder for as long as I can remember. It's all day every day. I wake up everyday and the anxiety just starts! I get physical pain along with it, I always have pain in my upper chest and back.
I also obsess about my health all day every day. I always think I'm just going to have a heart attack and drop dead any minute. I check my pulse all day everyday, it's become quit an obsession for me.
I'm in therapy and on meds and still just don't see a change. I have a hard time accepting this is all anxiety, even after many tests and many trips to the ER.
My anxiety lately has been really high. It's effecting my relationship, work and everything in my life. I feel stuck and just want to get better :(

03-18-2012, 06:20 PM
Hi TTGB! Welcome! You aren't alone in this. We all go through it :) How long have you been on your meds and doing therapy?

03-19-2012, 11:22 AM
Dear TTGB,

Everything you've written there is literally EXACTLY how i feel. We do all these tests and go to the doctors and no matter what they tell us we cant seem to shake off that fear that there might be something wrong with us because anxiety creates those frightening symptoms. But you'll find that once you start relaxing and ignoring those scary pains, your brain will start getting used to the idea that nothing is actually wrong with you and very very slowly your anxiety will diminish. But it takes A LOT of positivity and will power. you'll really need to focus on relaxing.. i did meditation and it really helped me a lot.
Love & light <3

03-19-2012, 01:29 PM
Don't feel bad. It's hard to accept that is just anxiety that is causing all this.. and stop with u checking your pulse, blood pressure etc.. you re fine! I know it's tough but don't stress out over health concerns..

03-19-2012, 04:39 PM
Agree with leetbuldog

Try to stop obsessing about your health it's very difficult I know from experience..but trust me you will find it easier to live your life...when you have symptoms just say to yourself " it's just my anxiety that's all" cause you really are fine