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01-04-2007, 07:52 PM
I'm pretty sure anxiety causes people to have trouble sleeping. But does not getting enough sleep cause anxiety? Or does it add to it?

I was just thinking about that because I don't sleep much, I have trouble sleeping. And I was thinking maybe that's why I have panic attacks sometimes.

I'm just really learning about anxiety and panic attacks. I just recently figured out what was wrong with me, so I have a lot of questions. I figured this would be the best place to ask, since everyone here seems to know so much about it. I'm hoping someone can help me understand alittle more, who can share with me what they know and stuff.

Well, thanks for your time.


01-05-2007, 06:34 AM
A loss of sleep is definitely a symptom of anxiety. Even those without anxiety issues may lay awake worrying about and interview the next day or a problem in their life. As to whether sleeplessness causes anxiety, it doesn't help, as we know a lack of sleep makes us irritable and can cause a great many similar symptoms to anxiety. But the intial cause is still anxiety and you should concentrate on treating that and getting healthy natural sleep, Rather than taking sleeping pills as some people do. I hope you sleep better soon. If you do tell me how.. LOL.


01-05-2007, 01:13 PM
Thanks. I try and sleep, but I just can't. Sometimes I have too much stuff on my mind and other times I just can't fall alseep. I wouldn't like the idea of sleeping pills anyways :nono: lol. I used to think that when I didn't get enough sleep, it would cause my attacks, but I learned otherwise... =\ oh well. This place helps a lot. Thanks for replying.


01-05-2007, 04:03 PM
hello - yes I am not a doctor but 100% limited sleep affetcs you. I have kept track of big triggers I try and avoid. Too much caffiene is a big one, dehydration, lack of sleep gives me panic and intense anxiety for long periods of time. HANG OVERS are by far the worst. first of all I am hung and feel like I am actually going to die.. and being overtired.. dehydrated, wow I am a mess thinking about all the horrible diseases that I am dying of... Stressful situations also have me grabbing my pulse to see if I am alive.. which it is good to laugh at as everytime I think I am dying - after I am ok and less anxious about the situation.. I realize that I am thinking stupid. wish I could do that all the time and I wouldn't be on this website.

01-05-2007, 04:25 PM
Hahaa I agree with you. After I have an attack I feel pretty stupid. But at the time of the attack I'm a horrible crazy mess.

I'm a little too young to get drunk, (15, haha) but the sleep one is still bothering me. It's not always when I'm tired, but I tink it helps. A lot of people on here say caffine affects them.

I'm a naturally very hyper person, with or without caffine. Caffine doesn't affect me about my attacks. Maybe because I'm young? I have ot think about that. Thanks for replying though. I like talking to peopel. :)
