View Full Version : Could this be caused by anxiety?

03-18-2012, 01:06 PM
Hello, im new to the forums and was just looking for some advice on a couple of issues iv been having lately, iv always been a very anxious person and have worried about a lot of things (mainly health and social situations) since iv been very young but iv never known some of the effects it can have.

Lately iv been very stressed and anxious about some personal things going on at the moment and about a week ago i started getting a slight tingling in my left foot and some times in my left hand, of course this made me more stressed and i kept trying to find out what it could be, i also have a tendency to Google symptoms but it only ever seems to make me more anxious of what it could be.

Then a couple days later i started getting aches in both my hands and fingers and on the bottom of my left foot, the pain comes and goes but its a lot more noticeable in my foot and i cant stop thinking about it which i thinks making the whole thing worse, today i still have the aches but its not as frequent, im going to the doctors in a couple of days but i was just curious as to whether stress and anxiety can cause this or is there something else i need to discuss with the doc, thanks for any advice you can give me :)

03-18-2012, 01:27 PM
hiya. welcome to the forum :)

i think since you have always been dealing with anxiety, the added stress in your life at the minute has amplified your anxiety.
when i am stressed, my anxiety goes through the roof. i thought i was having a breakdown the other day.
i also google my symptoms - you need to stop that, as do i! it's so hard though, i know!

you are going to the doctors, explain the aches and pains to him/her. i'm sure they are down to your anxiety though! especially since you say you can't stop thinking about them. tingling in the hands and feet is a very common symptom of anxiety!
instead of searching google for symptoms about this and that - have you googled anxiety symptoms? :)

03-18-2012, 01:30 PM
It think it would be foolish to rule out anxiety as the cause or partial cause of these symptoms, especially since you've always been a nervous person, samcp16.

03-18-2012, 03:34 PM
If it makes you feel any better I get that way too! I've had a bunch of testing done and it all comes back negative. It's always good to talk to your doctor about it, though, just for reassurance! :)

03-18-2012, 06:25 PM
Hello. I am also a very anxious person and have experienced seizure type symptoms. Since I was seven and usually due to getting very stressed and I also started having pain on left side from my neck to leg and eventually in my head. I went to emergency room the last time I had an episode and finally somebody who had come to a guess that actually made sense and as I googled it I got alot of answers from past experiences. I went to a special hospital called Vanderbilt in Nashville and sure enough I was diagnosed with an autonomic disorder. It took me thirty years to find reasoning. Good luck and hang in there.you are not crazy

03-18-2012, 06:44 PM
Thanks for all the feedback, glad there's so many people like me, i try to remain as positive as possible but it can get hard sometimes, hopefully the doctors goes well, the last week has been horrible for me.