View Full Version : Supporting Someone With GAD

03-18-2012, 12:02 PM
Hi all,
I've been doing some research on anxiety and panic attacks and stumbled upon this forum. I have a very close friend who after much persuasion made and an appointment with his GP, explained his feelings and symptoms and has just been diagnosed with GAD. I'm looking for some advice on how best to support him and what steps I can take to help him along the way. I'm pretty much the only person he feels calm and relaxed around and his family sort of dismissed it as not being serious. His doctor said that having me as support would be very beneficial to him so I guess I'm asking how to do you get support? Or how do you wish you were supported.
Thanks for your time.
Pj :)

03-18-2012, 01:22 PM
hiya. first off my main bit of support that i think i'd like would be understanding. i think you are doing a brilliant job so far!!
secondly, my anxiety leads me to need reassurance about all sorts of things all of the time. i would like my reassurance to be fed - but i read somewhere that you shouldn't do that, as it feeds the problem more.

understand that anxiety can make you become very irrational, so when your friend is - just be as understanding as possible.
i hate it, when i know i'm being irrational, and i mention it to someone and they kind of fob me off as being stupid or what have you. it's like, i understand i'm sounding stupid - but even though i know i'm being irrational it isn't easing the way i'm thinking or feeling at that time.

sorry, i can't think of anything else at the moment. i've never really thought about how i'd like to be supported! hopefully others can give you other tips.
i think you are doing great as a supportive friend by being here and trying to understand as much as possible! :D