View Full Version : Unexplained anxiety

03-18-2012, 10:48 AM
My whole life seems to be filled with anxiety - it's crippling my life and I don't know what to do. The main issue I have is eating - I've always had problems eating, because I'm terrified to try new foods. The idea of it fills me with utter dread, and I've had to purposely isolate myself from others in work to avoid shooting others how I am. I have been diagnosed with sensory integration disorder, which is possibly a lot of the cause for this but the anxiety I have is totally unexplained. I know deep down that nothing will happen if I simply eat a piece of fruit but I won't let myself.

The anxiety crops up pretty much everywhere else too. Any sort of changes to my daily routine, or when me and my fiancée goes somewhere 'different', makes me very nervous. These issues also affect my career greatly - Im terrified of answering the phones in work, to the point where I'll do anything to get out of it.

What's wrong with me, and what help can I get?

03-18-2012, 12:55 PM
hello and welcome to the forum :)

you sound alot like me. i have an issue with eating also. only mine is down to anorexia. i refuse to try new foods - why i do not know. i don't feel anxious about it. it's as if my mind is too stubborn to accept it. even though i feel i'm willing to try at times - when it comes to the crunch, something stops me. i suppose it might be anxiety - i don't know.

everything else you describe though, i can totally relate to. i have been diagnosed with chronic anxiety and agoraphobia. maybe you should google both chronic anxiety (GAD) and agoraphobia - you might get better understanding as to what you are dealing with!

everybody has anxiety - it is when it has an impact on your life when it becomes a problem.
i suggest you go to the doctors about it :)


03-18-2012, 01:27 PM
I would also suggest seeing a doctor about this.

When unexplained anxiety hits you, it can be the result of past trauma in your life. Although I've never had issues with food, I suffered from anxieties in which I knew the anxiety was way out of proportion to the situation. But reasoning with myself didn't help. The reason was trauma I went through years ago.