View Full Version : CBT Aint New !!!

03-18-2012, 07:56 AM
The famous psychologist Dr. William James suffered incurable depression for over 10 years. While in his bedroom one night suffering severe melancholia he became aware that he could change his thoughts to something more positive. In 30 days he was depression free for the first time

The year was 1890 - he never again had depression

Even the ancient Greeks knew that thoughts create moods and the Chinese sage Lau Tzu spoke if it over 2,500 years ago

We know that both anxiety and depression are thought disorders - it is criminal that the pharmaceutical and medical industries have sold patients a bill of goods that it is biochemical. Thoughts are lightening flashes of bio and electro chemistry- change the thoughts and you change brain chemistry and it can occur in a instant. Do it consistently and you lay down new neural pathways for peace and happiness. The fear pathways cease to become the default and are extinguished.

Drugs will never teach us to change thoughts so the condition remains festering. We must go even deeper to beliefs that are the progenitors of all thought and for many of us to the wounded child that keeps the painful beliefs sacrosanct to protect us. CBT is the top level of this - ancient wisdom has proven this. Medications are a wrong turn from the required work.

Anxiety recovery can be described with the Bible concept of repentance which simply means turning around. The original Greek translation μετάνοια (metanoia) was to "Think Differently" Jesus - Mohammad - Buddha - Hindus and all great religions speak of controlling the mind and the power of thoughts. Meditation has been used to see thoughts for thousands of years.

The choices for us are the medical model of powerful brain chemicals and frightening diagnoses of pathology or true recovery - true recovery takes work and dedication - it is the pathway to ourselves and real freedom!! It is very hard work - I am in it right now and while I know it is right I wish it was easier. Like Dr. Scott Peck and the poet Robert Frost said - "the road not taken can make all the difference."

I also like" The last door we want to chose holds our liberation" Hard work this stuff......

If you wish to go further than thoughts to the core reasons for beliefs these web sites are a good start:


