View Full Version : so impatient...

03-17-2012, 03:43 PM
as you're probably all aware i am waiting to see a psychiatrist.
i can't take the waiting anymore. im obsessing over it.
thinking that maybe the referral didn't go through - even though i rang the docs, and they said it has - it just takes time.
my thoughts about me having ocd are going through the roof again!
it feels as though i've asked a question - got the start of the answer but not the end. it is killing me. that sounds weird, i hope it makes sense.

and again, i'm back to the 'answer'...
i wish i knew what the question was! has anybody else experienced this whole answer thing? which seems to be an unknown question that is also unanswerable!!

i'm stating to think that even the psychiatrist won't be able to give me the answer i want. how can somebody give an answer without a question?

i think i'm spiking again :eek::wacko:

03-17-2012, 03:48 PM
Lets chat. I have some input on this.

03-18-2012, 01:38 PM
it very well could be the stress actually! went to my mams today for mothers day and just broke down :(
roll on my appointment with the psychiatrist so i can get some meds!!