View Full Version : Scary symptoms/ Help wanted

03-17-2012, 12:57 PM
Hello all. I'm brand new to this forum and would just like some suggestions.

I've suffered from anxiety for some years now. I used to be on Prozac which did not bode well for me. I was then switched to Effexor, which I think worked well. I had a false sense of being "cured" and so I went off my medication cold turkey. I think that was obviously the wrong choice when I look back.

Anyway, shortly after I got married my anxiety got much worse. I'm wondering if being on birth control pills have anything to do with that? Anyway, so for about 3 1/2 years I've had bad social anxiety, fear of being supermarkets or other shopping places alone. I've just kind of 'dealt with it' the best I could without being on medication.

This past week at work was extremely stressful. I became so stressed at one point, I almost started breaking down. I became confused, was making odd mistakes, and felt a panic attack coming on. By the end of the day, I was somewhat okay. Driving home was difficult as I was doubting little decisions, like which lane I should be in and things I don't normally doubt.

The next day I had lingering stress. I became nauseous, sweaty, and then had a panic attack. I thought I was dying or that I was going to slowly lose my mind and then die. It sounds weird typing it out now, lol. The only thing I can really compare my symptoms to now are being drunk. I feel completely sober, but I'm having trouble focusing, reading, etc. When I speak, I wonder if what I just said made sense, but everything I am saying is making sense. Driving is proving to be stressful as I am still doubting when I should turn and little things I normally wouldn't even think about. Reading is pretty exhausting because I can't seem to focus.

These symptoms are new to me and I'm freaking out a little. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you.

03-17-2012, 01:07 PM
hiya riggles :)

a change in circumstances can increase anxiety symptoms - you getting married is a huge change. even though it is a good change, it's still a change!
could you have agoraphobia?
i definitely think you should start taking your meds again. only this time, stick them out til the end.
like you, i have thought i have been 'cured' many times whilst on meds, and just quit them! i've found that i ended up worse each and every time i stopped my meds. why i repeatedly done is beyond me!

these symptoms are all anxiety related. i'm constantly dealing with the blurred vision and stuff - well, everything you described! try not to worry to much as this will just feed your anxiety even more! x

03-17-2012, 02:21 PM
can totally relate. Anxiety makes me start worrying about the weirdest things that really shouldn't matter and i find it hard to focus on anything because my mind is constantly worrying that i might be in danger and looking for exits. It really puts a lot of strain on your body so you will notice a lot of changes. Major changes in life, wether good or bad, gives everyone stress but with is it just exaggerates itself and it makes us feel like we're going crazy. It's really important to keep thinking positively and relaxing your mind as much as you can. You have agoraphobia as well and like me you've learnt to deal with it without medication. It takes a long time to get over the fear of being in crowded places far away from your comfort zone. Just keep being positive and keep yourself busy and enjoy your life. You'll find that when you're distracted the symptoms start to disappear. And when they're gone, don't be alarmed if they come back when you're stressed. Anxiety never really leaves us but it can remain dormant as long as we don't stress out too much. And if we know how to deal with it, then we can resume our lives normally again. It isn't harmful it's just an over-active nervous system trying to protect us from danger but it is misinterpreting normal situations as dangerous so it is up to us to keep reassuring ourselves that we are not in danger and telling ourselves to calm down :)
take care :)

03-17-2012, 03:46 PM
Thanks for your kind words and suggestions :) so it seems my symptoms are slowly subsiding. I still have that nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach for no real reason but am doing better with concentrating. I assume and hope these symptoms will continue to subside? Also, I hope to go to the doctor to discuss medication options - would you recommend seeing my family dr or psychiatrist?

03-17-2012, 03:56 PM
You sound a lot like me! I've done the Effexor, I often feel anxious in public, and when I am stressed at work I cannot concentrate and I have the start of a panic attack...notice I said the start of a panic attack. I also stopped taking birth control a few years ago because I felt that it really did have an effect on my anxiety.

I don't promote medication. I think it's necessary in some situations but not for common anxiety symptoms. I went through a few months of cognitive behavioral therapy, which is not the same as your standard talk therapy and it worked wonders. Anxiety isn't something that can be cured, but we can train our brains to learn how to appropriately respond. I still have anxiety but it doesn't freak me out like it used to. I can stop my panic attacks before they come, and I can talk myself down from the "ledge" so to speak.

Hang in there, and look for a good doc that specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy before you jump back on the meds. It's a very short term therapy that generally only takes a few months to complete and it doesn't focus on why you have anxiety but how to train your brain.

Good luck!

03-17-2012, 05:23 PM
I think that's why I've put off going to the doctor, I don't necessarily want to be medicated. Prozac made me a zombie. What kinds of things do they do in cognitive behavioral therapy? I dont want to be hypnotized heh. Does insurance ever cover it?

03-17-2012, 07:18 PM
They don't hypnotize! Honestly they just teach you how to retrain your brain to think differently. They teach you different techniques on how to realistically talk to yourself during times of anxiety/panic attacks. My insurance covered it. Even if yours doesn't, it's only a few months or so...I think its worth it to pay for a lifetime of freedom if possible. I hate medicine and refused to have to take a pill the rest of my life to feel "normal"

03-17-2012, 08:23 PM
Eft is a wonderful non pill method to help cope.

03-18-2012, 08:12 AM
EFT? What is that?