View Full Version : New here..

03-16-2012, 11:54 PM
I first started getting anxiety attacks after a date rape and for a while they went away. Well I moved to a new state and my new job im the only girl and there are a bunch of creeps here. I started getting the attacks again almost everyday now. Im so paranoid and scared. Its hard to find a job here and this one pays well so I dont know what to do..i even started cutting again..

03-17-2012, 12:08 AM
That's not good... Cutting solves nothing... And maybe your just paranoid that thoex people are creeps maybe because of your experience you just look at the world that way.... Maybe you need to take a second and look at what brought you to where you are now and try to except that that night that you had that time is over and get on with your life.... People get anxious all the time when there new to a place... And im sure your thoughts are just blazing right now.... So you just have to except... That's the easy way out..... Is to except....

03-17-2012, 06:06 AM
I'm not just paranoid that they are creeps...they really are. its like they have never seen a girl before. the one guy asked me to have sex with him! who does that!? i dont think i'm the best looking but no joke i get hit on by like 5 people everyday. its annoying..

03-17-2012, 10:59 AM
if that is the case, then that is wrong - you should speak to the boss!
please, please, please do not start self harming again. i have been down that road, and i know how easy it may be to slip down that slippery slope again but do not fall back into it!
you have done so well to stop. do not let some stupid immature men bring you back down to that!!
if your boss doesn't sort this out, then forget about the money! you will find somewhere else, it might take time but it would be better than feeling like this!
i definitely think you need to speak to someone about what happened in your past though as it obviously still has an effect on you!

03-17-2012, 04:11 PM
I dont want to take the chance to talk to a boss because im a temp and those guys are full time. They take better care of the full time ppl. I knew a girl that was a temp there and a forklift driver hit her and she got fired and they kept the driver. Believe me I.ve been jobless for 5 months looking everywhere for a job. If I quit ill be screwed. I wont have money for bills. As for the self harm its so hard to not fall down that road. I know im only getting worse with it to this last time I did it, it was so bad I needed stiches but since I dont have insurance I had to superglue it back together and use butterfly bandaids..my depression has been bad to. I just feel like im unraveling.

03-17-2012, 04:13 PM
Its hard for me to talk about that past situation, because I still blame myself for being in that situation..and I dont have the money to get help like that

03-17-2012, 04:35 PM
Are you going to therapy or do you have a psychiatrist? Do you want to chat?

03-17-2012, 11:50 PM
I dont have insurance or money for that