View Full Version : Medication

03-16-2012, 03:55 PM
Hey everyone. Thanks for reading my post. So, I've just recently in the past year began to understand and deal with my anxiety. I'm 21 and still under my parents health insurance. I found out a couple months ago that my insurance does not cover things dealing with anxiety such as medication or doctor visits. My parents also do not believe in anxiety issues and do not want me going to the doctor. I've gotten to the point where I can't deal with my anxiety on my own anymore. It gets miserable with being on the edge most of the time, depression, irrational thoughts, etc. I have a panic attack about once every day or other day for a couple of weeks and then it's not a big deal for a couple weeks. Wondering if anyone has any advice about what to do?

03-16-2012, 04:49 PM
Well despite what your folks think, anxiety and anxiety disorders are a real issue. I'd go to a good GP and pay cash if you can afford that. Most meds are available in generic(cheap) and you are over 18 they don't need to know about it if they want to bury their heads in the sand on this by denying anxiety exists.
It's your life and many docs charge cash patients less. Alankay