View Full Version : costochondritis

03-16-2012, 03:00 PM
Hey was just wondering.. any one else been diagnosed with costochondritis as the reason behind the chest pains? I've had costochondritis twice now and it's always when i'm having a severely anxious month, so there's probably some kind of link. Also, i know i shouldn't, but i googled it and it said costochondritis can be caused by stress and anxiety. So if you're freaking out over chest pains thinking it's a heart problem then you might just be having costochondritis which is completely harmless but unfortunately there's no cure you just gotta wait for it to go away on it's own but anti-inflammatory meds like ibuprofen work well to stop the aching. Costochondritis is really painful and can sometimes get so severely painful you'll think it's a heart attack.. Basically it's just inflammation of the costal muscles (the muscles in between your ribs), if the pain palpitates when you're pressing down on the muscle then that pretty much confirms that it's costochondritis.. It's such a pain in the ass :( anyone else had it before?

Love & Light :) <3

03-16-2012, 05:24 PM
I have not been diagnosed formally, however I'm positive that I've had it, I had every symptom of it, and it definitely made my anxiety much worse. I don't know if the anxiety made it worse or noymt, but I know they generally went together. I am actually having a flair up of it right now.. I will be happy when this goes away and I hope it never comes back.

03-16-2012, 06:40 PM
I was told by the doctor that I have Costochrondritis, whenever I get the chest pains, it kicks my anxiety into high gear. I had it in high school but I don't remember it being as bad as it is now, but I'm also dealing with the anxiety issues now so that's the difference. I've been taking Motrin which helps with the pain some.

03-17-2012, 02:10 PM
It's annoying how the costochondritis has chosen to cause pain in the area right above my heart making me feel like i'm having a heart attack everytime it starts getting painful.. costochondritis and anxiety definitely go hand in hand cause i only get chest pains when im anxious.. grrr

03-20-2012, 11:00 PM
I have been suffering with this for months now. It feels sometimes like it is getting worse, which causes more anxiety that I am having a heart attack... How long has it been affecting everyone?