View Full Version : Too Much Knowledge!!

03-16-2012, 08:57 AM
I've just come to the conclusion that too much medical knowledge is bad for anxiety and panic disorders. For example, I wanted to know what my latest blood test results meant. So, I googled them. Now I know the ins and outs of my latest cholesterol tests I understand the implications of high tryglicerides and low HDL levels. I now know in this combination it puts me at a greater risk of heart disease. Having that knowledge, how does it effect me? PANIC ATTACK!!!! Why why why do I do this to myself!! The only thing keeping me sane right now is that I saw a cardiologist not long ago who advised me that my calcium score was zero. This is great. It means I have no build up on my arterial walls and I'm at the lowest of lowest end of the scale of getting coronary heart disease. But still, that doesn't stop the panic attack. When will I gain some control over my anxiety!!!!!!!?

03-16-2012, 09:12 AM
Yep! That's my problem too. I have to stop myself from all Internet research when it comes to anything medical!

03-16-2012, 09:37 AM
Me too...I can't look up anything bc I know it will send me into a tailspin and end up ruining my whole day with panic.

03-16-2012, 10:05 AM
i am in recovery for google searching symptoms!! we all need to stop it. its just asking to feel like shit. just sayin kiddss!!

03-16-2012, 10:35 AM
Yep, in an acute(high) anxiety state, one should not do their research on anxiety. Wait until you get some reduction in your anxiety before embarking on big time self-education. But then knowledge is great for understanding and managing anxiety. For me, key, in fact. Alankay

03-16-2012, 01:13 PM
i definitely think it is a dangerous tool for those with anxiety - only i enjoy it far too much to give it up.
i enjoy learning about that kind of stuff. even though it sends me into a heightened state of panic at times. it's still good to know!

when i do end up in a state of panic - i just throw myself into anxiety research!