View Full Version : Good(ish)!! Day

03-16-2012, 02:01 AM
Ok - so yesterday and the day before were the days from hell. My anxiety and body were pushed to the limit and I got to the point where I thought I couldn't take anymore. For me I despise the feeling of being out of control and trying real hard to put it right but not being able to. I literally lay on my bed last night and cried and cried!

This morning I've woke up feeling quite good. I'm a bit nervy but in contrast to the last few days I feel better. My question is; how do I keep it at this level? This is my problem at the moment. I had some real good days last week but then I got a headache and various other pains and went down a slippery slope. I don't want to go there today. I want to go to work, be productive (something I haven't been for a while) and just get on with it. I haven't found that distraction yet that takes me away from that 'moment' when you think your world is about to end and just wondered what everyone else did to 'overshadow' an attack. xx

03-16-2012, 02:35 AM
I feel that way too... Your anxiety and panic goes really bad for a couple days and i guess your brain has a little melt down and goes to rest for a little bit is what i think.... Best days ever when you get relief for the who day.... Unfortunately i know how you feel.... And i ask the same question

Mark Franklin
03-16-2012, 08:10 AM
Do you think maybe the crying -- letting all the emotion out -- last night helped?

03-16-2012, 09:45 AM
I think it probably did. I don't do the crying thing very often and when I feel sad just get on with it. Maybe crying is the way forward for me :idea: - my other half will be pleased! Had a wobbly moment earlier but still having a good day. Thanks for your comments guys! xx

03-16-2012, 01:43 PM

Why don't you write down about the days you are feeling better, so that when you aren't feeling well you can go back and be encouraged. Maybe this will help. I had a good week a few days ago. It only lasted a week. I have had some good days in between since then but at least I can go back and remember those days. Hope this helps.