View Full Version : xanax experiences..

01-03-2007, 09:37 PM
ive recently started taking xanax on kind of an as needed basis....im kind of concerned about the addictiveness of this drug seeing as how ive had some addictions in the past to other drugs (recreational mostly) but the xanax really makes me feel better and worry less...but if i wonder if it is just masking the problem or if it is really helping....in other words it seems like it just kind simmers me down and i can kind of think more rationally and am not so convinced that i have a brain tumor or whatever my disease of the week us (god damn web md) anyways...what have others xanax experiences been like...im only taking .5mg but it really seems to help...

01-04-2007, 12:11 AM
Hi there,

I just started taking Xanax today. I really can't tell a big difference as it has only been a few hours. I guess it will gradually work for me...**crosses fingers**! I'm on 0.5 as well and also wonder about the dependency...Let me know how u are doing with your experience...thanks

01-04-2007, 08:34 AM
are you taking it everyday? or just when you feel you need it. my doctor said I CAN take it every day but hed rather i didnt it. I know it seems ridiculous but I already feel kind ofaddicted to it after about a week. not so much a physical addiction...moreso like at the first h int of any kind of anxiety im sprinting to the bottle...probably not a good thing...but I had a terrible reaction to lexapro and zoloft, which is why im taking xanax now...

01-04-2007, 10:06 AM
I take it as needed, it usually seems more effective if I take it three days in a row or so. but I am only on the .25 version. i don't feel any withdrawl symptoms and don't really feel any type of addiction. however if you have other types of addictions your outcome may be different than mine. It seems we suffer from the same type of anxiety. Health anxiety. you are right, my advise stay away from trying to self diag. let the Dr. explain your conditions, don't look into it beyond that. People generally will blog the bad experiences, if they are feeling better the odds are they won't be back on the web.
Good luck to you