View Full Version : hands being cold

03-15-2012, 01:13 PM
what can you do to stop your hands being cold all the time? apart from put them on a radiator

03-15-2012, 01:17 PM
wear gloves?
i really don't know. i have suffered with this for most of my life. i've never even really though of a solution for it - just accepted it. my feet also!
i'm starting to get chilblains on my feet now though, so i also would love to hear others thoughts on this!

you've sent me on a google hunt now :)

03-15-2012, 01:18 PM
i came across this :

apparently it is all in the breathing!

Shallow Breathing – The Secret Cause of Cold Hands

The reason why so many shy people constantly have cold hands is hidden in how they breathe.

Let me explain. Social people are usually relaxed, while shy people are almost always nervous and on edge, even in relaxed situations. At an early age, they develop the habit of being nervous. This nervousness affects how they breathe.

In every mammal, there’s an automatic response when they’re nervous. They start breathing faster, and shallower. This is called Shallow Breathing by scientists.

It started when we had to watch out for predators in our caves and jungles, in order to survive. This can be useful in emergency situations to heighten alertness, but usually you do not want to be breathing in a shallow way.

Why? Because shallow breathing doesn’t let in enough oxygen to recharge blood cells completely. This means your body’s ability to circulate blood is severely cut down.

That’s why your forearms may be warm, but your hands, especially your fingertips, are always cold. Your blood doesn’t have enough oxygen in it to go that far. It doesn’t have enough oxygen because you are breathing in a shallow way. You are breathing shallowly because you are constantly nervous. And you are constantly nervous because you are shy.

So it can all be traced back to shyness … but how can you make your hands warmer without becoming socially successful overnight?
Diaphramatic Breathing – The Cure

Diaphramatic Breathing is the opposite of Shallow Breathing. When babies are born, this is how they breathe. Shy people, for some reason, forget how to breath like this as they are growing up.

03-19-2012, 02:38 PM
My hands and feet started feeling really hot at times during the day and at night...was hoping it was my anxiety or perimenopausal? My arms are week and sore too :( I get the shakes in my arms but after I breathe it usualy stops but the pain stays. Anything on that at all?

03-19-2012, 02:52 PM
just answered your achy things on your other post (i think and hope it's you)
as for the hot feeling - that could be down to either one. i wouldn't say there was anything to worry about :)

03-19-2012, 04:32 PM
You may be low on iron! Are you vegetarian as well?

03-19-2012, 09:21 PM
Have you been feeling down?? Depress??

03-19-2012, 09:23 PM
I'm glad I"m not the only one that goes through this. When I was working my hands would get SO cold all the time (feet too). I had to have a little desk heater for my feet, and I used to have to get a glass of hot water to put my hands around!