View Full Version : Sorry for yesterday!

03-15-2012, 12:58 PM
i am so so so so sooooo sorry for yesterdays outburst! i can't stop thinking about how stupid i have been.
i understand it was all anxiety - i still feel terrible though!
maybe that is also anxiety?
i still don't know which thoughts are real and which ones aren't lol :rolleyes:

03-15-2012, 01:03 PM
also, a big thank you to all who helped calm me down in chat! especially kev :) thank you!

03-16-2012, 04:52 AM
Sorry you were having a bad day but glad you feel better. That's the bugger with anxiety - the 'rational' you can't tell what's real and what's not! I've had a crap couple of days; my HA went into overdrive and I was a nervous wreck - my days felt numbered and no matter what I tried to tell myself it wasn't enough. Roll forward to today and I feel so much better and think 'WTF' was that about! Anyway, hope you're having a good day. It's almost the weekend - hurrah!!! :cool: xx

03-16-2012, 01:23 PM
i suppose you have a good point there, kev! i'll try and pull myself round when i find myself questioning something!

meche, i know! it is soooo difficult trying to figure out what is real and what's not!
like this whole schizophrenic thing i'm going through at the minute. i think rationally and irrationally at the same time, at times! ha
just makes me think - yes - anxiety seems to be the cause of this, but what if this time it isn't really anxiety, and is infact the start of schizophrenia.
then my rational mind will tell me, that that is what anxiety wants you to think. so it seems i kind of compromised with myself and my thoughts in the end. i came to the conclusion, that maybe i have schizo-effective disorder lol.
i would love to know why we are always so convinced there is something wrong with us.
i also like the fact i don't believe the doctors when they tell me my self diagnosis isn't real - constantly worried thinking it's serious, yet i take with a pinch of salt whatever they do diagnose me with. how does that work?

i'm so pleased you are feeling better. i was thinking about you the other day..i'm not sure how long you've had anxiety lingering around you for, but i know you have only struggled with it recently.
it made me think about the anxiety that is caused due to thyroid problems. have you had that ruled out? xx

03-17-2012, 03:48 AM
I've mentioned on previous posts that my anxiety has been sudden but if I'm honest with myself I guess I've always been quite an anxious person. It's only now it's surfaced in the way it has. Thyroid was the first thing my doctor tested me for and it came back clear - not entirely convinced though. I work with a lady who had her thyroid removed and she says her symptoms were exactly the same as mine. Hers were only taken seriously when she collapsed due to leg weakness!! What can I do though! Feeling good again today but woke up so stiff - I don't know what I do during the night!! xx