View Full Version : Breathing ??

03-15-2012, 07:54 AM
I must have 50 books on anxiety and diaphragm breathing is discussed in all of them, In fact in many it is listed as the cornerstone of anxiety recovery. I know people who have recovered 100% by doing 20 minute sessions 3 to 6 times a day.

I am so tense and agitated that I have a hard time disciplining myself to do it more than once or twice a day. When I have a good session my symptoms can drop 30% so I figure if I could do it more it might be very healing.....but the first 10 minutes is hell since all the symptoms get worse and it is like walking through hot coals.

Anyone else having this problem or doing the multiple sessions a day - is it working ??

03-15-2012, 09:00 AM
I must have 50 books on anxiety and diaphragm breathing is discussed in all of them, In fact in many it is listed as the cornerstone of anxiety recovery. I know people who have recovered 100% by doing 20 minute sessions 3 to 6 times a day.

I am so tense and agitated that I have a hard time disciplining myself to do it more than once or twice a day. When I have a good session my symptoms can drop 30% so I figure if I could do it more it might be very healing.....but the first 10 minutes is hell since all the symptoms get worse and it is like walking through hot coals.

Anyone else having this problem or doing the multiple sessions a day - is it working ??

This too will pass.

Face your fears. Allow yourself to experience EVERYTHING your anxiety throws at you, and you'll see that you're still breathing, still alive, still the same person. I think that when you reach the end of your session and really find that you're still in tact, each session will get progressively easier.

Do you have someone you trust willing to sit with you while you do this? Perhaps it would help you to have someone there to comfort you at the end of each session?

03-15-2012, 10:30 AM
Anyone else having this problem or doing the multiple sessions a day - is it working ??

Multiple sessions healed quite a few issues for me.

03-15-2012, 11:56 AM
I too am having a hard time finding the time to do the breathing exercises. I just got back from the dr and he told me I need to make it a priority, I told him I want to do it bit I just can't find the time. He said that if I really wanted to do it I would make the time. He said it is very helpful and if I want to improve I need to make it a habit. So, I am starting today. Is there any good CD you listen to while doing it or do you just do it on your own.


03-15-2012, 12:12 PM
what particular breathing exercises do you do. i find it hard myself to dedicate the time to do them routinely, wish i did

03-15-2012, 12:41 PM

I dont use a CD - I have tried many and never found one I liked

03-15-2012, 04:58 PM

Always helpful posts - blessings

I have a lot of physical symptoms - burning all over - shaking - muscle pain and more - they all get worse when I start to breathe

Is this common