View Full Version : Can't Handle This Anymore....

03-15-2012, 05:40 AM
I was recently diagnosed with GAD, I do not really get to many physical symptoms of anxiety its more the mental symptoms. I have constant mind chatter and its really bad when trying to go to sleep. I just have all these random images, words and sayings pop in my head which is really starting to scare me since my biggest fear is becoming schizphrenic or losing my mind. I lay in bed at night and just as I am drifting off i will hear like a big bang or someone yelling my name...it is really creeping me out. Also it is like my anxierty is really trying to scare me because I will try think things to myself like this is just anxiety I will get over this, and then its like my subconcious says no its not and you wont be fine, and then i get scared all over again!!

Sorry to ramble on but has anyone been through this? Its getting to the point that I just want to give up! I can have a good week then all of a sudden boom I am in such a hard panic state for no reason what so ever! Thanks for listening.

03-15-2012, 08:55 AM
read my posts!! honestly, i am also going through this! hearing your name being called out, is a symptom of anxiety!
i feel like i am losing complete control lately. read my posts! sorry, it's actually pleasing to know i'm not alone here. it seems everyone else suffers more along the lines of physical symptoms. i thought i was alone on the mental side of things!

03-15-2012, 09:09 AM
I was recently diagnosed with GAD, I do not really get to many physical symptoms of anxiety its more the mental symptoms. I have constant mind chatter and its really bad when trying to go to sleep. I just have all these random images, words and sayings pop in my head which is really starting to scare me since my biggest fear is becoming schizphrenic or losing my mind. I lay in bed at night and just as I am drifting off i will hear like a big bang or someone yelling my name...it is really creeping me out. Also it is like my anxierty is really trying to scare me because I will try think things to myself like this is just anxiety I will get over this, and then its like my subconcious says no its not and you wont be fine, and then i get scared all over again!!

Sorry to ramble on but has anyone been through this? Its getting to the point that I just want to give up! I can have a good week then all of a sudden boom I am in such a hard panic state for no reason what so ever! Thanks for listening.

Have you tried chamomile tea before bed?

Exercise 3 x weekly (specifically strength training)? Start light if you do it!!

Melatonin before bed?

Also... something that I do. Count from 100 to 0 until you fall asleep. Really focus on each number. Picture it as you say it in your head. Every time you're mind tries to interrupt with useless chatter or images, go back to the numbers. Nothing but the numbers.

You aren't schizphrenic. You aren't suffering from delusions. I liked the way someone put it in the stickies actually, your nervous system is just on high alert.

03-15-2012, 09:18 AM
I'd see a doc and ask about a trail of zoloft or maybe even lyrica. Stay away from much caffeine and limit alcohol. Alankay

03-15-2012, 09:22 AM
thanks for the advice, i am really going to try some of those suggestions. Anxiousmess, you made me feel alot less scared knowing that someone else is going through this! It is just so weird the thoughts and images that i get are so random and scare me so much that i actually think that i have to be crazy! I will be driffting off to sleep and its like my mind is having a conversation, (ex. she will need to pick that up at the store tomorrow) and i will wake up and start freaking out because number one what the hell am i thinking about and number two who is "she". My doctor keeps telling me over and over that i am not losing my mind and that i am not schizophrenic but for some reason i dont believe her....its just getting too much now

03-15-2012, 09:49 AM
My doctor keeps telling me over and over that i am not losing my mind and that i am not schizophrenic but for some reason i dont believe her....its just getting too much now

There's a song I listen to that I'm quite fond of (capable of moving me to tears if I'm already feeling sensitive). It's by Casting Crowns, and it's called The Voice Of Truth. You should listen to it, even if you don't share my Christian faith, because it's inspiring and has a good message that I think can be applicable to your situation.

Firstly, your disbelief is a significant part of your (and my) problem. Perception is your current reality. If you choose to listen to the voice of doubt, and to believe that voice (the one internally telling you that your doctor is wrong), you'll subconsciously be inventing support/evidence for that false belief/fear. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Keep saying your nuts enough and you'll feel nuts.

Instead, choose to BELIEVE your doctor. Choose to accept that you're suffering from anxiety and nothing more. Follow the suggestions made in this thread, or the sticky. Choose to believe that this will pass, and you'll get better. If the mind is powerful enough to create all of the anxiety symptoms people experience in this forum, it's powerful enough to believe the truth, and for you to find healing/comfort.

You aren't crazy, and don't allow yourself to believe otherwise, type otherwise, or speak otherwise. Start exercising. Eat better. Believe better for yourself.

Listen to that song :)

03-15-2012, 12:38 PM
it made feel alot less scared also, seeing your post. excitement kind of took over me! i didn't even give you any advice or anything lol!
theoryofchoice is so right about needing to believe your doctor. i need to start doing that myself!
i do find this forum helps alot! other peoples irrational thinking, and their problems (which are the same as mine), help me realise that this is just anxiety, and that i am not really dying or becoming a schizophrenic!
even though i still think it is possible. i know that once my anxiety has calmed down, i will look back and laugh. like i have with my other life threatening illnesses!