View Full Version : Leaving for a work event in 24 hours

03-13-2012, 08:34 PM
Hi All. I am new here. I just posted in the Welcome forum as well. I suffer from anxiety, but havent done much about it until now. I have visited the doctor, and he prescribed me Ativan. I do not want to take daily meds, I feel that this is something that can be beat without them. Anyways, one of the biggest onsets of anxiety for me is illness(flu is the worst). My whole family had the flu yesterday, and I was a mess. Hands and feet so numb to the point that I couldnt hardly walk, tight chest, light headed etc. I am feeling better now, atleast I dont have the flu anymore, but it seems that when I have these attacks, there is an extended period of depression that I suffer through. To add to all of this, I have to get on a plane tomorrow to go to a work event until Sunday. It is hard enough being away from my family for this amount of time, and being in my current state may make it much worse. I feel more vulnerable when Im alone, and I will be alone alot for this trip.

I know there are not any easy quick fixes for this, but I am newly determined to beat this anxiety. It has interferred and ruined to many vacations, family outings etc. I will take ativan for the trip, but can anybody recommend anything else to get me started in trying to beat this naturally? Breathing techniques, thought processes? Maybe even a highly recommended book regarding anxiety I could read while away?

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you all so much.