View Full Version : Body tremors/muscles twitches

03-13-2012, 04:45 AM
Anybody else experiencing body tremors?? It basically feels like if you're muscles are twitching...has anybody been able to get rid of them? I've had mine for 2 months now off and on but mostly on...I have a prescription for flexaril a muscle relaxant but I know this won't do the trick in eliminating....if you had any success or experiencing this let me know! Thanks

03-13-2012, 06:00 AM
Hi Jeremy - fellow twitcher here! When I first started having attacks my legs would twitch, jump all over the place. My arm would also jerk while lying in bed. Diazepam settled this down and as I felt less anxious it stopped and I didn't need the meds. I still get a heavy feeling in my legs though because I hold myself differently now - I'm constantly tense. However, yesterday was a bad day. I had lots of small panic attacks and by the end of the day my whole body was nervous. Had to take dizepam to relax. Today I'm very twitchy, my right leg is quite shaky and getting random twitches above my knee - my left handed just jerked too and my right arm feels like it has a mind of its own (not numb or painful and I can use it - just feels like it isn't there (if that makes sense :confused:. I get myself very nervous about it and start doing gripping exercises just to check I haven't lost sensation! Same with my legs - I run up and down the stairs so I know they still work!!! My right eyelid also twitches - that's on/off for weeks now. I don't know how to stop it but I've noticed that when I'm busy and engrossed it doesn't happen. The second I start thinking about it......! If anyone else can offer any advise about this I'd appreciate it too. xx

03-13-2012, 03:00 PM
Thanks forwells - that helps alot. I'm more relaxed tonight and less twitchy. It's always good to be reassured. xx

03-13-2012, 03:58 PM
Thanks guys for the replies! It also do the grip exercise to make sure I haven't lost sensation! The tremors are quite annoying because their always there unless I'm working out or staying active...but it's good reassurance that this is all normal...

03-20-2012, 08:44 AM
The most frequent and often overlooked cause of muscle twitches/spasms in the lower legs (and which naturally affecting muscles elsewhere...especially in the extremities -though it's stemming from the legs) is shin splints. Shin splints can cause heaviness in the legs and when they're REALLY bad and extremely painful...one can barely walk.

One way to tell if you have shin splints is to gently run your fingers up along your shin bone. If you feel any tenderness and/or pain, it's probably shin splints. Ill-fitting shoes (especially heels), walking/running in ill-fitting footwear, etc., can cause shin splints.

It's also important too to make sure you're properly hydrated before/during/after exercise, have eaten enough carbs/calories too.


03-29-2012, 11:25 PM
Thanks pam!!

you're right about being hydrated that actually helps the tremors to be kept to a minimal.....tremors just become annoying and sometimes worrysome because they dont seem to come to an end

03-30-2012, 12:29 AM
Can anxiety/stress cause you to have red eyes all the time??

03-30-2012, 02:52 AM
I'm new to the forum...i just had to join to talk to people about this...i have been struggling with my anxiety for a couple of months now...am so fed up of feeling so scared all the time....when im sat i cant stop my leg shaking constantly...if its not my leg then its my arm shakes...i look like im an alcoholic and find it so embarressing...has anyone else had a fear of people...i finding walking outside so scary...feels like tonnes of knots in my stomach...and i just cant stop being weary of my surroundings....i cant look ahead i just look down...what i find so hard atm is that its starting to get me dwn....and i feel now that the anxiety has brought on some depression...im just so exhausted of being scared....

03-30-2012, 03:42 AM
I get red rimmed eye all the time!! And depression and anxiety can go hand in hand!!! Try not to get down on the dumps! Just remember it's just anxiety nothing else!! Sometimes you get involuntary muscle spasm...and constantly moving your leg or arm is because you're so anxious you find the urge to constantly be moving....I sometimes get butterflies In my stomach....and public places can be hard to face but challenge yourself little by little