View Full Version : My parents don't believe me

03-13-2012, 04:12 AM
Ok, so, I think I may have panic disorder. I have severe panic attacks, usually about 1-2 times a week. I get dizzy, faint, I feel like everything is too fast and loud and sometimes I break down crying. Regardless of whether it is actually panic disorder or not, it's a problem, because it's interfering with my life.
The big problem here is that my parents don't believe me. They just tell me to get over it and to stop being a hypochondriac. I don't have any friends I can talk to, they are all too busy with their own problems.
I don't know what to do, or who to turn to now.

03-13-2012, 04:17 AM
Do you have a school councillor or nurse you can speak to? Are you able to see your doctor without your parents present??

03-13-2012, 04:21 AM
As far as I know, there is no councillor at my school. I can see the doctor by myself, but I can't get there without my parents knowing, and they get suspicious.

03-13-2012, 04:27 AM
What about a teacher you can trust, even to just ask if the school has a councillor?

I think you will find when you have the attack the dizziness is from the hyperventilation, because you feel the attack coming on, so you panic a bit more, the feeling gets worse and it escalates.

One thing I can tell you as a definite is that panic attacks always pass, so when you feel one coming on gaining control over your breathing will really help, and focusing on your breathing can help stop the attack from peaking so much.

Are you able to identify what triggers the attacks?? Is there a specific person, place, object or is it just kind of anything can bring it on?

03-13-2012, 04:34 AM
Sometimes parents have a hard time accepting that their children might have some type of condition. The fact that you're on this forum means you know you have bad anxiety. My suggestion is either talk to your parents on a very serious note or straight tell them that you need to go to the doctor! It might scare them but also make them realize you're not faking your symptoms....

03-13-2012, 01:03 PM
i'm 25 and my parents still brush my problems under the carpet. i mentioned my anoreixa to my dad the other day and he went straight into defensive mode lol.
at the end of the day, your health should be YOUR main priority. it doesn't matter if your parents become suspicious of you going to the doctors. maybe if you said to them "i am going to the doctors as i feel as though i have some kind of panic disorder' and just go through with it. you might find, they may take you a little bit more seriously.

don't let their lack of understanding put you down though. it is nothing other than that - lack of understanding!

03-14-2012, 02:33 AM
When I was 13 I told my mom I was depressed and tried to kill myself and she told me, "Yeah right! What movie did you see that in?"

Sometimes they just don't get it!

I think what you should do is find any excuse you can to get the transportation and money to see a therapist. Find whatever excuse that will get your parents support for this. Also, say you want a general checkup from the doctor. Give a good reason why you need to see a doctor, like you don't feel well, maybe you are anemic, low blood pressure, etc.

Some parents just don't get it, and that's kind of the general parent/child situation worldwide. Don't let it get to you. Nobody really understands anxiety unless you've had it.

The good thing is you have loads of great advice on this website for free. Check out my threads in the sticky at the top.