View Full Version : Herbs/vitamin supplements for anxiety

03-12-2012, 06:18 PM
Hello my name is Jeremy and I'm 23. Have any of you taken any type of homeopathic remedies that have helped you? Vitamins or herbs? Personally I take a herbal supplement called "holy basil" that comes in a capsule form. It works GREAT for me! I also drink lemon tea to help me calm me down. I really want to know what has helped you guys! Please let me know


03-12-2012, 09:39 PM
I use rescue remedy, chamomile tea and lavender oil.

03-12-2012, 10:05 PM
I use rescue remedy, chamomile tea and lavender oil.

Where can I get the rescue remedy? I've heard about it before....how much would it run me at the store?

03-12-2012, 11:43 PM
Where can I get the rescue remedy? I've heard about it before....how much would it run me at the store?

At the pharmacy, I'm in Australia and it costs me $28, the vial is small but you only need a couple of drops under your tongue so it lasts a while

03-13-2012, 02:39 AM
That is interesting that you chose Holy Basil. I love that Indian herb, but I always thought it was a bit on the stimulating side.

I used many supplements when I was deep in anxiety that I wrote about in the thread above. Chamomile tea was a daily staple. I'd add a bit of raw honey to it. I have since discovered this product that I've wrote about called Calm and Relaxed by Eastern Essentials: http://www.easternessentials.com/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

03-13-2012, 04:37 AM
At the pharmacy, I'm in Australia and it costs me $28, the vial is small but you only need a couple of drops under your tongue so it lasts a while

Thanks GStar! I'm going to have to try it! I like to try different types of natural cures instead of taking benzos

03-13-2012, 04:41 AM
Holy basil has worked great for me! Its helped regulate my cortisol and glucose levels which brings my anxiety at ease... Chamomile is great!! But I'm going to look into calm and relaxed! Thanks!!

03-13-2012, 05:29 AM
Thanks GStar! I'm going to have to try it! I like to try different types of natural cures instead of taking benzos

Same, I always try natural alternatives over prescription medications first, not that I am against them, I just prefer to try natural first, also as a breast feeding mother I either have to choose natural therapies or give up breast feeding and the thought of giving up breast feeding brings on attacks so not an option lol.

Rescue remedy does taste foul but the taste passes pretty quickly, you can add it to water and sip it, I find I do that when the breathing exercises aren't working.

I really recommend lavender oil as well, it's really helps keep me relaxed, I find it works good as a preventative rather than using it in the middle of an attack, and also helping me get to sleep.

03-13-2012, 12:27 PM
What form of Holy Basil were you taking? I like to drink the tea. It's 3 different forms of the herb in one. It is extremely healthy but I am pretty sure it is on the stimulating side slightly. Can you tell me more about it?

If you read what the guy wrote for Calm and Relaxed, it is so right on with the stuff we talk about here. Calming and nourishing for a long term benefit for anxiety sufferers.

03-13-2012, 04:14 PM
I like to take the vitamin capsules! I haven't tried the tea only because it takes a while to make the tea and with the capsule I just take it quickly...I found it to really helped me personally

03-14-2012, 11:13 AM
I have been taking Holy Basil for a few days now in pill form. I am not sure if it is working yet, does it take time to build up? I will look into the Calm and Relaxed formula also. I also use essential oils like Lavender. Any other suggestions are helpful.

03-14-2012, 03:19 PM
It took me about a week to feel the effect and I took the pill twice a day. Kev made an interesting point recovery does come from within and that's is true! I see holy basil as a way to regulate my cortisol level not as a quick fix. Expect full recovery from within

03-14-2012, 03:56 PM
Rescue Remedy has also worked great for me. I do about four drops under the tongue and it starts working pretty fast. I got it at my local GNC for under 10 dollars.

03-14-2012, 03:58 PM
I have read that taking 500-1000mg of vitamin C each day helps with anxiety. Apparently it helps to lower levels of cortisol which can produce feelings of anxiety. Has anyone had any luck with this?

03-14-2012, 04:24 PM
I've been taking vitamin c pretty daily and I haven't felt an immediate change...I know B1 (thiamine) helps the nervous system as well so tend to take B12 complex pretty daily...

09-17-2012, 06:00 PM
Sceletium Tortuosum!!! super powerful anti anxiety, anti stress, anti depression herb from South Africa. It is one of the only herbal tinctures Ive ever taken that I could actually FEEL. I think they sell it on therawfoodworld.com now. I have a feeling this herb is going to be VERY popular quite soon.

09-18-2012, 12:45 AM
Rescue rememdy, chamomile and a bunch of multi-vitamins.

Pretty damn sure none of them actually did anything REAL, but the placebo effect worked so anything is worth a try, even if it's physchological.

09-18-2012, 01:03 AM
Kava root is amazing for anxiety. I always Carry around yogi Kava tea. I have tried so many herbal remedies but that is probably the most equivalent to a fast acting benzo for me! Plus the tea only costs about $4, I definitely recommend trying it.

09-18-2012, 03:34 AM
I've heard vitamin d3 helps. I just started it. There's a lady on here that has a thread all about it.

09-18-2012, 05:57 AM
Personally I think its all placebo. You kinda talk yourself into these herbal/vits supplements as doing good... so it SEEMS like they work.

Nothing wrong with this just don't expect a miracle cure.

09-18-2012, 01:02 PM
its amazing how much dogma the pharmaceutical companies have managed to permeate throughout the western world...pharma pills suppress symptoms, and never treat the root of the problem. Plants, roots, herbs, and diet are natural ways to get certain chemical compounds into the body and brain that alter the chemistry and function of the body...these treatments have been used for thousands of years. If one wishes to suppress the symptoms of an illness, and keep the root cause in place then pharmaceuticals are great. I find that people who seek natural cures and healing tend to do much better in changing their lives to live more healthily and happily...perhaps this is because these people usually are less dogmatic and closed minded about how medicine and healing works. Take cancer for instance...there are MANY known cures for this condition (which happens to be the most profitable condition in the world), yet the big medical establishments are only allowed to push chemotherapy, which has a massively high fatality rate and in many cases is the final nail in the coffin of patients. Gershon therapy (a diet of raw vegetable juices combined with intensive colon cleansing routine) has cured thousands of people of what doctors told them was terminal cancer, yet there is no drug to patent or product to push so it is called 'alternative' treament.

Sceletium helped change my life, and I have seen it used by many who drastically changed theirs for the better. There is plenty of science showing the active alkaloids produce noticeable effects on serotonin production and dopamine levels, and this herb has been used in traditional folk and native medicine for thousands of years. I highly recommend people consider 'alternative' treatments to the big pharma drug dealers...Sceletium is an awesome herb, and there are many other products out there that are NOT harmful to the body, but beneficial, and halp people live healthier, happier, more productive lives...but ultimately it is OUR DECISION whether we wish to change our lives and live in a fulfilling meaningful way and no drug or herb will make that decision for us.