View Full Version : did i just have a heart attack??

03-12-2012, 03:04 PM

feeling reaalllyy panicky. I was sitting outside having a smoke when suddenly i got this severe discomfort in my chest and back right where my heart is. It was so so so painful for a few minutes and then went away. I didn't faint though and no shortness of breath. I was just feeling really shaken afterwards. The pain has gone now. I'm just worried.. Is it possible to have a heart attack without knowing like without fainting?? I have been really anxious for the past few days i hope it's just anxiety causing this but it was really severe pain on a scale from 1-10 it was 10. If the pain goes away after a few minutes could it still be heart related? helpp feeling so scared :(

03-12-2012, 03:09 PM
Don't worry, I very much doubt it was a heart attack :) What you may have had was a heart palpitation. They're about being aware of your heartbeat or having an uncomfortable heartbeat that come around when you're particularly stressed or anxious. I get them when I'm working myself too hard and they're usually your body telling you to chill and relax because you're stressing it out too much. They're usually not anything to worry about but if it was a painful one or you get them very often, I suggest seeing a doctor just to get some reassurance. Try to relax and don't worry about them and they should just go away on their own.

03-12-2012, 03:13 PM
I dunoo i just feel stupid cause ive had sooo many heart tests done over the past 4 years and they always come back normal.. and i'm STILL not convinced it's anxiety because i can't believe how it can cause pain this bad. I do need to calm down though my anxiety has been sky high these past few days.. :( blahh hating this!!!