View Full Version : ghosts or hallucinations

03-12-2012, 01:26 PM
hi again. i know you are probably sick of me right now but i wanted your thoughts on this...

i have always had an interest in the paranormal and stuff. since i was a child, things went bump in the night. only, when i was a child - my whole family experienced it.
i seen my first 'ghost' when i was about 12 - it was a tall white figure, which walked back and forwards so many times, i know i didn't just catch a 'glimpse' of something. i was actually seeing something. scared the shit out of me when it stood over me, just staring with its white face.

anyway, as i got older things eased off at times, but at times it has been 10x worse than it was when i was a child. to the point i was ringing priests and spiritualists and all sorts i was that scared. i feel real stupid now incase they think i was an idiot.

now i am at this age now, my life has been kind of different. still hard and stressful, but not half as bad as my younger years and ghostly things haven't been there as much, not really at all.

my question is:
what if i was just hallucinating all those times? should i be concerned? i know during stressed out periods people can experience some weird things, but isn't hallucinations a bit extreme?
i'm not concerned now as like i said, nothing has been happening.
what is worrying me though, is i feel as though i am close to feeling the way i felt a few year back when all that shit was happening.
i'm starting to worry incase it happens again?

at the same time, according to paranormal people, ghosts attatch themselves to you when you are at your lowest.
i suppose i can't win either way, no matter which way i think of it.

i really think i have got more than anxiety! i think i am really effed up!

sorry people :(

03-12-2012, 02:36 PM
ok i think your just over thinking this.... you have anxiety. do you see things that arent really there, do furry animals crawl over face at night, do trolls talk to you, do you hear voices that tell you to do bad things? i doubt it... now if those things happened there would be much deeper issues.

i have been seeing spirits since i was a kid. im 25 now and i still see them. not everywhere i go or anything just at certain houses i have lived in. your intuitive, like me... my son experiences the same exact things. please dont think you have schizophrenia.

this is the problem we all have with anxiety.. we think that there are so many differant things wrong with us and most of them are very effin out of this world. dont self diagnose yourself... people are wrong most of the time lol

your fine!!


03-12-2012, 02:48 PM
haa i've actually got a page open from where i've just done a schizophrenia screening test! i thought i was over this - i thought i had schizophrenia a couple of weeks back. since my trip to newcastle though i've gone downhill again :(
i don't know what thoughts are real anymore - if you know what i mean. i've been on the phone to the docs this morning to see if the doctor really did do my referral to the psychiatrist - he did but it takes 4 weeks! almost there! i am really struggling to stay with it at the minute. i find myself telling everyone on here not to let anxiety get the better of them but i can't seem to follow my own advice :( i'm fed up with it.

i feel as though i'm just losing my mind completely. i feel as though i am too much for this forum now and no body can deal with me as i am too far gone. i feel so pathetic it is unreal :( just completely at a loss with myself. even typing this makes me feel like you will all think im a complete tool. i can't look back on my previous posts - when i re read them, i get so embarassed as it's as if it wasn't me. what the hell is wrong with me!

just gonna stick to the bare minimum on posts on here as i don't feel like i'm any help to anybody in this frame of mind.

thanx for your reply! it's pleasing to see that somebody else with the ghosty thing. i've always believed it was ghosts - i'm just doubting it now and thinking hallucinations. i don't know why! maybe it has been hallucinations though! i don't know xx

03-12-2012, 02:49 PM
im going in the chat, wanna talk there?