View Full Version : Had enough of headache

03-12-2012, 02:19 AM
Says it all. It's not so much the pain but the pressure and the tenseness in my neck and shoulders. Been on/off for over a week now. It's driving me so nuts I feel like I'm losing the plot. Got so worked up about it this morning I was physically sick. I'm sat here a nervous wreck and wating to make a doctors appointment because I can't stand it anymore. Just needed to vent!! xx

03-12-2012, 04:03 AM
Mine is everywhere! Spoke to a lovely doctor over the phone and thankfully I don't have to go to the surgery (hate going to doctor). He explained about tension headaches and it's effects and recommended exactly the same thing. Told me I needed to relax more and try swimming, cycling - things I love doing. I was talking to a work colleague who has been going to physio for years for various reasons and she told me my posture is terrible at the moment. My shoulder aren't aligned and I'm holding my head funny. That's because I'm so tense :rolleyes:. Booking a massage ASAP but told if it doesn't ease up within the next 4-5 days to make a routine appointment. Lets hope I don't have to! I got myself so worked up this morning and now I feel stupid. xx

03-12-2012, 05:45 AM
I did try this a long time ago (before this all kicked off) but couldn't get into it. I didn't really give it a chance though and am prepared to try again and stick with it. Thanks.

03-12-2012, 06:01 AM
Hey meche i have the same think as you the head pressure... The path your going down isn't going to be fun.... Went to alto of doctors.... Still awaiting my MRI but i talked to a nerologist and he said its common for people with anxiety and panic attack to have frequent recurring tension due to when in both states adrenaline enters your body and works all of your nerves... Your body as well as your head overtime become stressed hense the sharp pains around the body and in the head and the pressure... Someone on here told me a couple of weeks after taking anxiety meds that that all goes away.... But to also no become to dependent on them as well... Something to look into if it gets too bad... I really will as my doctors about this

03-12-2012, 06:25 AM
Thanks guys. Having lots of mini panic attacks today (never had it this bad before). Feel so spaced, dizzy, detached and very sick. It's not constant and just hits me all of a sudden - like now. I'm trying so hard to keep it together but it's not easy. xx

03-12-2012, 11:24 AM
i know exactly how you feel , for the past week and a half iv been feelin the exact same , tight neck and headaches, little twinges on the top of my head, at temples, tightness round about the sides and the spacey feeling just comes back, evryday i hope it wont but it does. it really gets you down and fed up and you just hope that finally it will budge, the longer it goes on i personally start getting anxious about it even though i try very hard not to, getting anxious over symptoms that are caused by anxiety, flipping great! started to feel veins in my temples raised a bit, mayve this is noraml? maybe they have always done that? but i havent been in the habit of feeling my temples because they havnt been getting pains! anxiety over anxiety, GET LOST!!!!!

03-12-2012, 03:03 PM
i have been gettin headaches almost everyday.. its because i need glasses, and im just waiting for my glasses to come in... i have horrible eyes. i havent worn them in ten years or so. i have been slackin big timee

03-12-2012, 03:21 PM
Thank you guys. Well, finally my headache has gone. Slight neck tension but no pain - for the moment. I have booked a neck & shoulder massage for Weds and looking forward to it. However..... :rolleyes: now the headache has gone I have developed a weird sensation in my legs. It's like they have a mind of their own. I can walk, they aren't numb but feel crampy, tense and if I let them would probably start twitching or going into a spasm. It's uncomfortable. Is this normal with anxiety? Have I been so stressed today that another symptom is manifesting? xx :confused: