View Full Version : Driving Phobia & Anxiety

03-12-2012, 02:11 AM
Driving was never a problem for me till last year September I had a breathing attack while I was driving back. Right after the incident I did develop some fears on driving but I thought it would be fine once I travel back as during that period of time I was working abroad. Eventually after the incident, I did not drive for almost 3 months till I return back.

Things did not change when I came back during December as I drove out with my car and realized that I was freaking out. Over the time, I知 not sure how did this happen but I was able to drive anywhere within the radius of 10km from my house without having the feeling of panicky. My workplace is about 7km from my house and I知 still able to drive there daily without any issues.

Currently, the issues that I知 facing are driving on the freeways if I need to go to a place which is more than 10km. Not sure why this is happening but the moment I think of hitting the freeway and going somewhere far I start to feel anxious. There was once last month, whereby I got sick of this and one day I decided to just hit the freeway and face what痴 gona happen at most. While I was driving on the freeway as I notice each exit the feeling of exiting and turning back is so strong. However, I decided to just continue and I eventually drove for 30km which was my goal for the day and I decided to turn back and reached back home safely.

I realized that during this journey my mind is just frozen and I feel that I知 stoned while driving. I was also driving on the 3rd lane and my speed was so slow around 60 km/h. Therefore, I decided to try out hypnosis and Im not sure whether medications work for this. I have attended 2 session of hypnosis now but yet to see any promising results.

Besides, I知 also having some fear of moving out alone like going to the shopping mall or taking a walk out. This feeling is truly awkward as I was a strong person before and I tend to laugh at this feeling at times. Highly appreciate for feedback from the forumers here as it will truly resourceful to me.

03-12-2012, 06:52 AM
Hi Kev,

Thanks for your response and nice to meet you here. Wow that truly motivates me, mind to know how long did it take for you to do 200klms without a problem and how did u do it?

Besides I'm also facing issues with traffic jam, a fear that builds up there. I have no issues driving with someone beside but the only issue is when im driving alone. Its really troublesome with this problem and im facing some difficulty to work as at times i need to travel.

Have you experienced hypnotherapy before and does it work?



03-13-2012, 06:34 AM
Hi Kev,

It was truly resourceful of you to provide me with encouragement and advise. Thanks for the time and effort spend on replying to my post. I will do it dude. Im just gona hit the freeways again and again till I can tune my mind back to normal. In the meantime I will still continue my hypnotherapy sessions.

I will keep you updated on my progress. ;)


03-13-2012, 07:56 PM
Hi Kev,

Will definitely do as per your guidance. Really thankful to know someone like you here man.
