View Full Version : Going downhill fast...

03-12-2012, 12:59 AM
In recent months I've had physical health issues, one atop another. I've been diagnosed with enlarged prostate and epidermyitis. Ive had issues with my breathing that remain to be resolved.

A few weeks ago I started waking up trembling, which became more frequent. Then a couple of weeks ago my breathing problems escalated, partly it seemed due to problems in my nose, partly perhaps a throat problem.

A few days running I woke up gasping for air, heart racing, feeling as though I was having an heart attack. Gradually breathing laying down first became awkard, then difficult.

I had palpations constantly.

I went to the doctor on Saturday, he did a blood, urine and allergy test. He took blood pressure, heart rate etc.

He claimed they weren't far from normal, though curiously the nurse said my heart was very fast when I was taking the test.

He gave me something for anxiety to take before bed. The results are due on Saturday.

Saturday evening/Sunday daytime was my best night in a while, slept a few hours, no shaking. Sunday was almost a normal day and my hopes were high for a good night on Sunday too. My one concern was a numb pins and needles feeling in my arm where the blood test was taken but also my leg on the same side.

But last night was horrendous, I couldnt catch my breath in any position, woke suddenly when trying to sleep as though my throat were closing, and had vivid awful nightmares during the few minutes I did sleep. I get locked in a cycle...begin to doze off...wake suddenly with a can't breathe sensation, heart is racing, try breathing slowly to control the heart rate, eventually succeed, the doze off...and it happens again and again.

In the daytime it's manageable, certainly when Im standing, while I'm often short of breath, I don't get that suffocating feeling. But nightimes are an ordeal now, and those test results seem a thousand years away.

I'm tempted to return to the doctors, but aside from the limb numbness I don't have much new to say. My mouth feels strange too I guess, the way it used to if I had a cold or flu.

Trouble is, assuming that anxiety is playing at least some part in all this, I don't know what I should or should not be doing to give myself the best chance to get through this.

At the moment the nights are so bad I don't know how much more I can take. In terms of diet, drinks, what changes should I make to give myself the best chance of getting well?