View Full Version : help me get on my hols!!!!!!!!!!

03-11-2012, 04:19 PM
Hi all, thank you in advance for reading this i need some advice! Im going on hol in two weeks i havn't been on hol for two years. I even cancelled the last one that was booked! but i cant do that this time its not fair on my hubby and kids. We are going to tenerife so 4.5 hour flight i have never been scared of flying but since my latest breakdown this is the worst thing in the world at the moment! Im traveling with my hubby and three children 8yr old 4 yr old and 12mth old so i really dont want the way i feel to rub off on them or scare them ( seeing their mum running up and down the aisles screaming lol) and then there is being in a foreign country for a week where im worried il have to go to hospital! I just want to enjoy my hols like i used to i really hate anxiety! my hubby is as supportive as he can be and says he'l take care of the kids im to just look after myself and thats where im stuck what can i do to remain calm (without oding on my diazapan) and reasure myself the plane wont crash and i wont have a heart attack mid flight!!! Any advice would be a great help. Thank you for reading.

03-11-2012, 04:40 PM
Are you on an ssri med now to help you anxiety? Make sure you have the diazepam handy in case as it's needed. It can be a life saver and it very fast acting for a benzo. It's what I use for travel. Alankay

03-12-2012, 03:13 PM
Thanks guys,
I do take daily 150mg of sertraline which works quite well for me i havn't taken my diazapan for 10 months now but i always carry it in my purse!! I just get myself wound up over things i have done all my life, when im in rational kelly mode i can look at it as you silly cow you'll be fine you have been so many times before but then i wake up in the morning with that dread in my stomach and normal daily life seems scary without putting a holiday in the mix!

04-22-2012, 02:47 PM
Hi everyone thanks for your advice, well i did it i got on the plane spent a week away and flew back without having a full on panic attack!! I didnt have to take my diazapan either i took it with me but didnt need it. yet again the worrying and build up was worse than the event i coped fine. Thank you all, im so pleased with myself i enjoyed my hol how stupid to be happy i managed to go on hol its daft isn't it! F***ing ANXIETY!!!!

04-23-2012, 04:48 AM
That is brilliant! Well done for making on holiday and enjoying yourself! I haven't been on holiday for 10 years due to my anxiety and am really hoping this will change one day. I was wondering how you coped with the flight and if you have any advice for dealing with flying. i am terrified of planes, even looking at them makes me nervous.
B x

04-23-2012, 07:39 AM
this thread was very uplifting.

congratulations on kicking anxiety in the arse......and not letting it steal your life away.

04-23-2012, 09:08 AM
Thanks guys x I have never had a fear of flying so it was just my anxiety i had to deal with, being trapped on the plane for 4 hours so many people in close!! I have to admit i did have family with me my hubby and mom so i was with my safe people if you like. I tried my hardest to relax for the week before with tapes baths early nights etc i had my tape diazapan and some herbal kaliphos 6 with me kalphos 6 realy helps with an instant hit of calmness and they are tissue salts not pills so you could take the lot and it wouldnt hurt you the just dessolve on your tongue i picked some up in holland and barratt at the airport because i forgot them! I really suprised myself with how calm i was when i got up that morning my legs were shaking so much but i just kept telling myself i was fine and they do have hospitals in tenerife if i need one!! and that my kids were so excited how could i let them down. But i have heard an interview with louie spence and he said he wouldnt be able to get on a plane without his hypnotherapy sessions so maybe that could help! I knew i had to do it else i would never go again and i dont think my hubby could live without a sun holiday!! so i was very determined and yet again the build up to the event was far worse than the event we sometimes just have to make ourself do it dont we xx