View Full Version : how do you stop lip biting?

03-11-2012, 03:06 PM
main problem of mine is biting my lips. but they are soooooooooo sore at the minute and i still can't stop. i'm doing my own head in with it. anyone else suffer with this problem? and how do you deal with it?

you'd think the pain would be enough to stop me, but it just isn't!

03-12-2012, 03:05 PM
omg i do the exact same thing!!! and then eating and drinking even hurts :/ any ideas would be appriciated

03-12-2012, 09:28 PM
I agree with Kev, it's something that when you catch yourself doing it, you have to stop yourself. Whether it be chewing on gum when you realize or distracting yourself with something that makes you concentrate and think past the chewing.

I'm going through the same thing except instead of biting my lip it's attacking my face, I have acne so I constantly pick at it and same thing it becomes I controllable and I know I should stop but I can't.

So recently if I find myself doing it I stop, put on my spot treatment and go and find something else to do, whether it be read a magazine or go lay down and do my breathing exercises.