View Full Version : important question

03-11-2012, 09:51 AM
After having numerous tests including echostress, MRI of brain and cervical spine, cheat cray and catscan, and abdominal caravan and all of them being normal I guess I have to say that what I am experiencing is anxiety even though I am still worried about it being something major with my health. My question is ....if the ativan works when I am having an episode can I safetly believe thy it is anxiety? I am assuming that the symptoms would not go away if it was indeed something other then anxiety. Please help!

03-11-2012, 11:43 AM
hey condogirl, from reading this i believe it is anxiety. my symptoms would stay with me for weeks. my legs would tingle and just be restless. i couldnt eat for 3 weeks. mind you during those threee weeks my anxiety was the worst it has ever been. i felt like there was a hole in my chest, i couldnt breathe, lump in my throat. i thought i ha MS because my limbs were numb. now im on the right meds and im learning coping skills. i mean i still have some anxiety but not nearly as bad as it was. this month long episode was all of january.

do you have a therapist or anything?

03-11-2012, 12:35 PM
Yep, if it goes way with the benzo..... it's anxiety. Same happened with me. The I knew I was anxious and that was it. Anxiety. Alankay

03-11-2012, 12:58 PM
Is it fair then to say that any physical symptoms of anxiety that goes away when you are on meds is definitely anxiety. I only ask because I've had an on/off headache (think it's tension) for over a week but when I take diazepam they almost always disappear. Surely if it was a brain tumour or something more serious a pill wouldn't be enough to make any symptom go away. I'm not being a hypochondriac (well, maybe a little :rolleyes:) just curious. xx

03-11-2012, 02:59 PM
This reminds me how so much of the battle is acceptance that it is all based on anxiety. When you can accept this, than panic attacks just don't really seem that big of a deal, and then they don't happen too much anymore. After you've done a boatload of tests and noone can ever find anything diagnosable, might be time to just throw in the towel, and just say FUCK IT!

Work on getting your nervous system calm and healthy and allow yourself to heal by the various techniques described in this forum.

It is very very hard to have major anxiety if you don't fear anxiety.