View Full Version : EMDR Can Help Many Who've Struggled Coping With Past Trauma.

03-10-2012, 12:32 PM
For years, I suffered from terrible anxieties. Then, in 2009, my anxieties plummetted dramatically. Part of the reason is because I was put on new meds. However, their was another reason - a form of therapy called EMDR.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitation Reprocessing) is a radical form of therapy created in 1989. An EMDR - trained therapist has you think about past trauma and then have you follow his/her hands with your eyes. It's strange stuff. And thier's more to it than that. But it helped me greatly. My therapist at the time told me their's overwhelming evidence that it works for people who has been through trauma.

CBT wasn't helping me calm down. Fortunately, I found a therapist trained in EMDR, which was something I had never heard of beforehand.