View Full Version : Anxiety/Depression

03-10-2012, 09:09 AM
I'm starting to wonder if I am suffering with mild depression. For a few months prior to my panic attacks I was feeling run down and keeping alot of emotion/feeling inside. I would find myself crying for no particular reason and then carrying on as normal but still feeling a bit numb inside. Just going through the motions. Then my anxiety started. Apart from the physical anxiety symptoms I have found my moods very changeable. At the snap of a finger, I can go from being happy and cheery to feeling lost, fearful and very teary. I can't stop or control it. I've been feeling very flat this morning but feeling a bit better this afternoon. Last night I had a fab night out with some friends and felt on top of the world - it doesn't make sense to me. I feel like my emotions are going round in circles. I'm very good at masking myself so that others see what I want them to see so I haven't spoken to anybody about this. I don't know if my anxiety has brought this on or has this been inside me for so long and I haven't wanted to admit it. Feeling very confused right now. xx

03-10-2012, 12:16 PM
Meche, if you suspect that you're having issues with mild depression, their's no point in not getting the help. But their are many reasons to seek help. I just would hate to see you suffering anymore than you have to. Getting help sooner means you'll likely get better sooner.