View Full Version : Don't use google if you........

03-08-2012, 08:13 PM
have anxiety related to health issues! I know that for me google only makes my health related anxiety much, much worse. IMO reading about drugs, side effects, symptoms etc. is just a no-no.

Google is a powerful tool and wonderful if one uses it wisely.

03-09-2012, 12:47 AM
It was a devil for me when I first started having attacks and that only added to my problem. Somebody on here (I think it was you forwells) gave me some great advice and I don't do it anymore - thank you for that. xx

03-09-2012, 06:13 AM

I have to say that it is a wonderful tool for someone with anxiety . The information is massive .

I will say though that the one thing i never ever did was googlr the symptoms . Only ever anxiety and related stuff like meditation , diet , relaxation.

It can be the devil or a god sent i think .

cheers kev :)

Of course you are correct. Google is great for finding out about anxiety, CBT, meds, diet and other anxiety related matters.

My point using googl, web MD and other "self diagnosing" cyber sources can really be dangerous for us with severe health related anxiety.

without google I don't find this forum so I need to further explain my reasons why google can be a bad thing for those of us that can dream up medical conditions.

03-09-2012, 06:40 AM
Top advice biceps. :)

03-09-2012, 02:22 PM
When my panic disorder first came on, I was on google non stop for 2 weeks prior, obsessively googling about heart health. Before the mad googling, I had panic attacks once in a great while. After googling about heart health like a maniac, BOOM! major panic and agoraphobia. I am not saying google caused my problems, but it's obviously not a coincidence.

03-10-2012, 01:07 AM
Oh man don't get me started on Google.
I had a panic attack and went on Google to see if there was anything I could do to calm myself down and came up with every heart problem I didn't even know existed.
Very scary.