View Full Version : frusterated with anxiety

01-01-2007, 10:21 PM

I'm almost 24. I've been out of college and working for a year and a half. I have a really nice job and a really nice life by all accounts. I think I would describe myself as having generalized anxiety disorder.

I used to be very insecure and depressed in high school and the beginning of college. I have worked really hard to get over that and I have done a good job but now I have a problem with anxiety. I still function pretty well, but I would be so much happier if I didn't feel anxiety all the time!! I'm so frusterated. I have worked so hard to be a happy person. I exercize. I try to eat healthy. I've did individual and group counceling. I make time to be with friends. I have taken Lexapro for about a year. I sit down and make lists of positive things in my life. All these things and I still feel anxiety. It is SO FRUSTERATING.

Anyway I really miss the group counceling I used to do in college so I would like to try this out.

01-07-2007, 09:03 AM
Anxiety can take a long, long time to recover from. I have also tried a number of meds and CBT therapies, dont give up take comfort from the fact you are not alone and try although you will struggle to put the anxiety out of your mind. We are all here for you, Keep smiling, I hope you feel better soon.
