View Full Version : This is getting ridiculous now...

03-08-2012, 07:44 AM
So I called out sick today, when I was supposed to be going back after actually being sick (sinusitis and an inner ear problem). As soon as I woke up this morning I was overwhelmed with dread and anxiety about going in to the office. I tried to talk myself up, saying I can do this and I HAVE TO go back to work. Anxiety won yet again. Half way there, I turned around and went home.

The antibiotics I've been taking aren't really working, so I made another appointment with the doctor for today. I also want her to do an actually check up, not just feel my face and say "Oh it's sinuses." I've been having these weird little neck spasms on the right side of my neck that seem to affect the right side of my jaw (anxiety related?). My right ear is clogged. I mean this is stupid. My anxiety has since gone down after I turned around and headed home. My anxiety is in complete control!! I will be calling a therapy center today. I can't continue to miss work (with doctor's notes or not). UGH this is so aggravating!!

03-08-2012, 07:58 AM
I forced myself into work this morning but it was a HUGE struggle! I've had an on/off one-sided headache since Saturday and getting the same spasms in my neck and horrible crunching sounds when I turn my head to the right. My head, neck and shoulders are so tense and my head feels 'top heavy' - if that makes sense. I'm also getting dull aches in my jaw and I'm sure my ear is hurting! I know it's a tension headache but 'anxious me' keeps thinking it's something more sinister, which is making me more anxious and more tense - I'm going round it circles. However, I did get to work and emotionally I feel better but I'm still so tense. I long for the day when I feel healthy and anxiety free!!! xx

03-08-2012, 09:04 AM
Could the antibiotics be making the anxiety worse? When I took medicine for a chest thing a while back, it gave me this weird feeling of dread in my stomach too. Worse at night, and in the morning.