View Full Version : Was doing pretty good for a few days

03-07-2012, 11:08 PM
I was doing awesome for like 3 or 4 days, now its full on anxiety. i totally did not miss this feeling at all. what does it take for this bull to stop and just stop haunting you? I also may be starting an out-patient program. I need consistent therapy. Anyone know what Im going through??

03-08-2012, 12:40 AM
Big hugs missmac! The last few days have been pretty good for me too. Ok - I've had a bit of a headache and felt a little anxious but I've put all negative thoughts to the back of my head and 'got on with it'! Today, I woke up with full on nervous energy. I didn't even think about anything - it was there from the second I woke up. I feel sick, a bit shaky and convinced something is wrong with me. I don't know where it's come from but I'm SO pissed off. I have to be at work in an hour and all I want to do is stay in bed and hide under the duvet. I HAVE to get up - I will literally drive myself insane if I stay at home on my own with my random thoughts. Maybe I'll feel better once I'm out and about but I just want this feeling to go away! xx

03-08-2012, 05:27 AM
Hey you were doing good for a few days! That is great news! It's like you are trying to lose weight, and you've been going to the gym consistently and have been eating great, then one day you were at a party and ate a bunch of cake and cookies and didn't go to the gym and gained 2 pounds. Just get right back on the regimen and you'll lose those 2 pounds soon enough and then some.

Keep up the good work! Soon it will be less and less if you keep on the path to recovery. You went a few days, maybe later it will be a whole week. Then 2, then 3. A few bumps in the road here and there, but it's ok. We are all human and are all prone to anxiety. Don't give up! Great job!

03-08-2012, 01:08 PM
you aren't alone on this! panic did sum it up well!
you have done brilliant to go those few days feeling awesome! focus on those few days and let determination get you back on the right track again!
you can definitely do it! you have already proven to yourself that you can. just don't give up :)

03-08-2012, 03:26 PM
I also may be starting an out-patient program. I need consistent therapy. Anyone know what Im going through??

I did out patient therapy. It was useful to me really. I did it for a long time, went to a clinic daily, for therapy for about 5 months, my anxiety was just that bad. They opened weekends, for patients of the clinic with severe depression, suicidal thoughts etc, to just come in and talk with a nurse that was there. Of the many that were there, I was usually the only one on weekends. But, it was a really useful experience in order to understand anxiety. I had a loop in my mind, causing me to hurt and damage myself, and go back down back routes. I needed to find out how to break that loop, and the programme helped me. I think it will help you too :)

03-08-2012, 05:46 PM
yea everything was great and then i was having negative thoughts as usual so it drove me into a panic. im learning not to think negatively about myself or just anything else.i went to a group meeting on monday for the first time ever talking to people who were going through what i was face to face. i could relate alot which made me feel better. now its all upward and onward. i have to live for today without thinking the worst. which is hard because i am always expecting the worst. but hey i made it a few days. and im gonnna keeeeeeeeeeep on keeeepin on haha

oh yea i meant "thank you guys for all the kinds WORDS lol

03-08-2012, 07:28 PM
I am starting an outpatient program tomorrow. If you cannot control your anxious thoughts it might benefit you too. I definitely know what you are going through. It really sucks. What about calling your insurance and seeing about outpatient programs that they would cover. I am so sorry you are feeling like this now.