View Full Version : Good and bad news

03-07-2012, 01:03 PM
I have good news which is that I think I found a way to beat my OCD thoughts. I had obsessions that kept changing from questioning myself if I am schizofrenic or suicidal or able to hurt someone I love. My latest obsession was ''Am I suicidal?''. What I did was first allowing this question to blow up in my mind, then accepting what I fear, that I might be suicidal. So I told myself that I could be suicidal and accepted this as a possibility, without assuring myself something else (same thing with the other obsessions). Somehow this obsession began to fade away. However, the bad news, now I have a case of pure anxiety/fear, I fear that if I do not live without stress and without a good job/occupation then I might become depressed and suicidal for real. I am only 19 and currently without a job and I had to quit my studies because of panic attacks. It is different from the OCD fears, because the same method of Exposure and response preventation does not seem to work. I am trying to tell myself, that this is nothing I should worry about, of course I should think of living healthy but not because my fear pushes me? Am I right or wrong? How do I stop worrying about this?