View Full Version : quick self-help question

01-01-2007, 10:11 PM
Hey guys... new here... just left my little blub in the Newbie section... anyway...

my question is .. what are some good forms of self help for semi-mild general anxiety?

I know that eating properly and exercising helps a lot but thats something that I've always done. Same with relaxing... Ive been trying to take long baths and reading a lot just to try to "forget" the non-exsistant thing I'm worrying about. :sigh:

I'm just wondering if theres any little tricks that you guys have found along your ways that seem to work for you.


01-01-2007, 10:47 PM
I just posted my first little blurb in the newbie section too. Here are some things that help me.

1) making lists of happy things - even stupid little things

2) aknowledging when I feel anxiety - as if I had a cold or something

3) excercizing is really good

It frusterates me that I can think of a million things that help anxiety, but nothing that makes it go away. Maybe it doesn't go away - maybe all you can do is lessen it in as many ways as possible. What do you think?

01-03-2007, 12:15 PM
Your gonna hate this but cut down on caffine first see if that helps it has been known to be the whole cause of some peoples diorders, same goes for Alcohol, Cigarettes or Recreational Drugs. There are many coping techniques out there, try breathing exercises and writing thoughts down some times seeing what we worry about in black and white can help us to rationalise things. Find somone if you can to talk to about things. Try CBT with a psycotherapist (this works best as group therapy). Look around this site. You'll find whats best for you.