View Full Version : new here

03-07-2012, 12:27 PM
hello !

I am so glad to have found this forum. I have been suffering from anxiety for most of my life.(I am now 47) I have recieved medical help and now currently take Effexor. Reading other peoples experiences on here are so familiar.. I was always nervous as a child but it wasn't ever talked about and brushed under the carpet.As a result I feel quite ashamed to feel the way I do and feel a weak person..

03-07-2012, 12:37 PM
hiya lotty!
you have got nothing to feel ashamed about! from my experience with life - i find it to be very rare to find somebody who is in perfect mental health for their full lives!

every negative has a positive! my mental health issues might not be good for me - but my experience with them might mean the world to somebody else. you never know who you might help just by sharing a personal story. even if it is just by giving them peace of mind that they aren't alone :)

i'm pleased you are getting medical help and that you have joined people who are going through the same thing as you. no need to keep it brushed under the capet now :)