View Full Version : your funniest anxiety/panic stories

03-07-2012, 12:27 PM
hiya all!

i don't know if it just me, but i can see the funny side of anxiety and panic attacks. although, i know they are far from funny at the time!
i thought it would be good to share your funny stories! so here's one of mine:

a family pet of mine. my dog, tina. my parents got her a week after i was born, and we basically grew up together. i left home when i was 15 and the thing i missed the most was my dog!
anyway, tina was 17(as was i) and she was going down hill. her eyesight was going and everything. she was just a lost little soul, bless her! so my mam and dad had rang me to tell me they were taking her to the vets. i was living 24 miles away without transport so it wasn't like i could have been there. i honestly thought she would be going back home afterwards. they rang me later that night telling me she had to be put to sleep. i managed to compose myself whilst on the phone but then i lost control.
my emotions took over. i was in a full blown panic attack. on the phone to the nhs direct, crying my eyes out over the fact my dog had been put to sleep along with the excrutiating pain i was feeling in my chest. i honestly thought i was that heartbroken i was dying too lol.

an ambulance came for me, and by this point i was hyperventilating. i was so convinced i was dying! they were giving me oxygen - which made me believe even more i was dying (why else would i need oxygen if i wasn't? lol)
i had pins and needles in my tongue as i was hyperventilating that much - i was losing the feeling in my fingers. i was practically dead in my eyes lol.
they had me hooked up to the heart machine - which again, led me to believe i really was dying.
after hours upon hours - they told me it was a panic attack.

i have to say, that has probably been one of my worst panic attacks but funny when i look back!

03-07-2012, 01:39 PM
This is good - a bit of lightheartedness! Mine isn't really one of panic but one of taking too much diazepam. After being at A&E all night and getting home at 8am I was desparate to sleep and relax so took a pill - nothing happened. Phoned my doctor and she told me that one wouldn't be enough and I would need 3-4 :eek: Thing is, having not slept for over 48 hours and being a bit spaced I misundertood what she said which was to take 3 at intervals throughout the day. I decided I wouldn't take any until the evening when I would sleep all night. At about 9pm I popped 3 diazepam! It hit me within minutes! Was speaking like I'd downed a bottle of vodka (or 3) and when I went to stand up my legs gave way under me - diazepam being a muscle relaxant. My other half says I didn't stop giggling, was very funny and literally passed out on the spot. I remember trying to roll over in bed and my arms and legs having a mind of there own! Didn't seem to have any long lasting effects but I NEVER did that again! Other half still laughs about it! xx

Sunny Days
03-07-2012, 02:59 PM
Good thread!! Oh I've had many funny episodes. Panic Attacks really are funny in my opinion when you look back on them!

I work for a hospital and we have a registered nurse on site in our building. When I first starting having panic attacks at work I would get up from my desk, go to the ladies room, feel like I couldn't breathe in there, had to rush myself out of the bathroom...then I'd head straight for the nurses room and insist that she would check my blood sugar, blood pressure and pulse. This happened on a regular basis (I am lucky I have kind co-workers and my boss was understanding since her mom has anxiety)! After a while of this nonsense the nurse started telling me she wouldn't check me out lol "no you are fine...it is psychological, change your mindset and think yourself healthy". I used to get ticked off at her when she stopped "helping me". Then I eventually realized...she was right! :)

Another time (while at work) I was in the bathroom with my nervous stomach, felt like I couldn't breathe...moved as fast as I could to get out of there and find someone. As I left the bathroom I saw a co-worker who I really don't even talk to much coming down the hall and I asked her to please come outside with me for a moment (I needed air and thought I was dying). She said yes but looked at me like wtf lol. That one passed pretty quick though. Oh my...

03-07-2012, 03:49 PM
Another time (while at work) I was in the bathroom with my nervous stomach, felt like I couldn't breathe...moved as fast as I could to get out of there and find someone. As I left the bathroom I saw a co-worker who I really don't even talk to much coming down the hall and I asked her to please come outside with me for a moment (I needed air and thought I was dying). She said yes but looked at me like wtf lol. That one passed pretty quick though. Oh my...

So you're that weirdo my mom used to work with!!

Haha, kidding! Funny stuff though! It becomes pretty humorous when you can look back, and see it for what it is. Right? :)

03-07-2012, 04:47 PM
I had my first panic attack back in 2008 about a week after my birthday. My friend had given me 2 fish in a bowl as my present (i know, very random) and i had placed the bowl next to my bed. I named the fish 'Plus' and 'Minus'. After a few days, the bigger fish somehow killed the other one so it was just one fish in the bowl and i started noticing that Plus was doing these weird yawning faces like as if he or she was yawning. I thought he was yawning at first and thought it was funny. But then one night i was researching the fish trying to match it online to what kind of fish it was. And i saw it was some kind of exotic fish and suddenly i noticed that holy shit it's doing the yawning thing cause there's not enough oxygen for it in the bowl. I mean you gotta have some kind of oxygen thing in there. And i had a full blown panic attack i almost went blue i couldn't breathe my sis took me to hospital and got a full dose of valium injected straight into my blood stream and apparently i was so high i was singing and dancing with the nurses. Felt so much guilt for having put those poor fish through that torture i really had no idea. :( it was a horrible day but now when i look back at it i can laugh about it (except for my fish RIP) :(

03-08-2012, 01:04 PM
haha i'm so pleased i started this thread. i hope people keep posting their stories! laughter is the best medicine :)

03-08-2012, 07:00 PM
Well, I have one that I'm currently trying to laugh over.

So I quit smoking recently, which has resulted me getting a migraine this evening.
Well I was sitting here and the pain in my head started to reside, however, my face started to feel numb and weird like. Almost like when you have too much dry skin on your face. (I don't know how else to describe it.) Well I was talking to a friend about it because I was panicking and I told him, 'I had a migraine and it randomly went away. Where did it go?' (Ya know, thinking the worst of course.) And he responded with, 'You're welcome.' And now that I think about it it is kinda funny. Here I am complaining because a migraine randomly went away when I should be thankful. Oh Anxiety.

03-08-2012, 07:25 PM
Well the funniest time was when I put ice in my socks because I felt super warm from the panic attack. I got water everywhere and just looked goofy.

03-09-2012, 05:08 PM
Oh LOL, i love this post :-D its so good to be laughing about things that we take so seriously at the time. My funniest one was when I was completely agoraphobic and went out for exposure and had a panic attack out trying to walk down a flight of stairs and someone started paying the song 'highwya to hell' veyr loud and i started laughing. Another i went to the police station to get a document verified and cried because they took my documents behind a door and i couldnt leave and made a complete fool out of myself and ended up having diarreah in front of the officer :-/ Yuck !
Mind you, i did go back the next week and take him in a thank you card and apologised !haha

03-09-2012, 05:09 PM
Oooh, i like the idea of ice in the socks LOL !

03-09-2012, 05:18 PM
Something funny happened at work today which had it been a few weeks ago I would probably have freaked out. I was having a hart-to-hart conversation in the staff room with a colleague about what how I was feeling, etc, when I opened the cupboard to get a mug to make a coffee. When I did another mug fell on the floor and smashed in half. When I picked it up I noticed it had a picture of the grim reaper on it with the motto - 'death comes to us all'! I was speachless at first but had to burst out laughing. Had that happened last week I surely would have freaked out and waited for him to come and get me!! :grin:

03-10-2012, 01:04 AM
A lot of my panic attacks are for silly reasons ..they always are haha. One time I thought I had forgotten how to breathe...
Just really silly stuff.

03-11-2012, 01:35 PM
haha some good stories on here. i've got a new one.
my OH is terrified of spiders!

anyway, a few year ago he wanted a shed to put all of our random stuff in. so we got one. he was over the moon with it (easily pleased lol). until one day, he noticed the spiders were starting to make it their home. we have huge gardens so the spiders we get are pretty big. he stopped going in there. i was sent instead - even though i'm also scared of them. i had to be brave!
he decided to go against his fear the other day and went in - all was fine and dandy. he managed to get everything he wanted sorted, sorted!

we were standing in the kitchen talking about depression and stuff. he walks out and comes back in with his hands on his head making this big screaming whale! my anxiety kicked in and i thought he was having some kind of psychotic episode!!
turns out, there was abig spider on the floor in the kitchen. it must have climbed on him when he was in the shed haha. he ran out the room stripping. we had to get my 7 year old son to come and remove it lol and my 3 year old, bless him was crying saying he was scared. he didn't know what the hell was going on. the poor thing!

Sunny Days
03-12-2012, 08:05 AM
So you're that weirdo my mom used to work with!!

Haha, kidding! Funny stuff though! It becomes pretty humorous when you can look back, and see it for what it is. Right? :)

LOL! That be me!
It sure is funny after the fact. When it was happening I thought the sky was falling (chicken little) haha.